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Marilyn Monroe (Remove filter)

Haikus inspired by Marilyn Monroe











Heart translates to pain
If only to find relief
Help this weary soul


I tried to love You
But You left, never returned
Good nite my once love

Eyes windows of soul
But the nite has eyes that see
My darkest of fears

A blue velvet couch
Left my doll in her carriage
The doll was stolen



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haiku poemsMarilyn Monroe

President Kennedy

President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

Tell me about Marilyn Monroe


Tell me about Oswald, Ruby and J Edgar Hoover,

The CIA and their secret manoeuvres

Tell me about Dealey Plaza and the Dallas motorcade

Tell me about Elm Street and your final wave


President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

Tell m...

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JFKJohn F kennedyMarilyn Monroe

She Sang...


They loved the soft, sultry movements that she made,
each one an embellishment that she did proudly parade,
left and right across the makeshift stage she went,
sending out smiles and kisses to the boys they'd sent,
each one on a mission to free those war had oppressed,
but just for those moments, they were not distressed...
She sang all the songs that tugged ...

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Marilyn Monroe

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