The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

President Kennedy

entry picture

President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

Tell me about Marilyn Monroe


Tell me about Oswald, Ruby and J Edgar Hoover,

The CIA and their secret manoeuvres

Tell me about Dealey Plaza and the Dallas motorcade

Tell me about Elm Street and your final wave


President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

Tell me about Marilyn Monroe


Tell me about the missile crisis and the U2 flights

Tell me about Cuba and the Bay of pigs

Tell me about Civil Rights and Martin Luther King,

Bobby and Lyndon and that sort of thing


President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

Tell me about Marilyn Monroe


Tell me about Castro and Kruschev and the missle crisis

The Green Berets and Vietnam

Tell me about Jimmy Hoffa and his crooked schemes

I'm sure you know just what I mean.


President Kennedy, won’t you come back to me

Tell me all you know,

But most of all

Tell me about Marilyn Monroe








JFKJohn F kennedyMarilyn Monroe

◄ That Girl

A Schoolboy From Nineteen sixty-eight ►


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