The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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28 Users

28 Users
It was only the 2nd work day of the month
He had exceeded the monthly sales targets
In just 2 days it broke all records
He got a 3 user sale on day 1
And on day 2 he got a 25 user sale!
The biggest user count in the account
It was like is this real?
Now he wanted more success...




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salesmetricsfeel good

Clever Tara

Our dog ran away what could I say

as she pulls on my hand

simply wouldn’t stay 

was gone in a flash

where the leash from behind 

bounced with a crash 

I chased wildly behind 

without any gain

as the poor thing ran going insane

the clamor the clacking 

making such a roar

all the neighbors tore from 

their front door

“what’s this my goodness?!”  

they all ye...

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animal welfareFeel goodrespectanimals

Late Night Thoughts

Late Night  Thoughts


1: „You know the feeling you get

When you just lay in your bed

Stare at your ceiling

Thinking bout life and its meaning

Realizing that nothing will last

Future, Present and Past

None of them matters

Cause nothings forever”


2: “So if life doesn’t matter

Then death doesn´t matter”


1: “yeah but guess what´s better?”


2:”Mhh… ...

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conversationFeel goodFeeling sorry for yourself

Open heart gift

I like to show that I'm trying, I give you the proof so you know I'm not lying, you've had it bad before, leaving your heart slightly torn, I'll put on my nurse uniform and cure you like no ones done before

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romancetogetherFeel good

Blessed are we

Blessed are we

As the morning night, does turn to grey, We see the coming of the breaking day
Birds will sing their morning cries, to welcome back the morning skies
Fluttering their wings up in the trees , enjoying the touch of the morning breeze
Clouds will drift and float away, bringing the promise of a beautiful day
Creatures that moved throughout the night, disappeared, now out of sight

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