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City life (Remove filter)

Dancing In the City

Commuters pirouette,

and trade positions, in

dance off thousands

on London stations.


Tourists saunter in

markets and shops,

while busy workers

improv, move,

and never stop.


Mamils hygge

in Lycra clothes,

aim their bikes

to rumba

right over your toes


and samba,

swing, and jive, to

skim potholes and

the slow shuffle

of the c...

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City lifeLondon

in your city

Originally published in Clay Literary’s RAVEN:

eyes squeeze shut all at once with 
wishes whispered under breaths to be 
anywhere else, anywhere cooler than 

the constant heatwave of near 100 degrees. 
Toes dip into makeshift sandy beaches 
along the city’s river while children 

play in water fountains next to erected sand...

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city lifedreamsheatwavesloverssummer

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