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The Goddess of war makes her stand in the upper skies,

pitting man and machine in deadly battle.

Hazy colours of blue and grey make way for burning

fire and pyres of smoke.

Up here she knows no mercy as men die

in a second to please her lust for death.

No one can beat her as she is immortal and ubiquitous.

Make just one mistake and she’ll ...

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He Didn't Care













On the day of her death

he didn't cry.

Everyone said

"He doesn't care!"


On the day they laid

her to rest

he didn't cry.

Everyone said

"He never loved her!"


On the one month anniversary

of her death he was found

lying next to her grave.

An empty bottle of poison


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Here you are in your Apache D model gunship

with a full warload of death.

Three tanks have just been killed

but now Russian gunships come at you with a vengeance,

first a Mil 28 havoc which you shoot down with your cannon.

Both crew killed in a fiery death.

Now a Kamov Werewolf on your tail,

his tracer shells flying past in a ...

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Rising higher and higher the warplane climbs

through the hazy sky, sun reflecting off the distant water

far below through a gap in the clouds.

Missiles hang under delta wings

ready for instant launch when an enemy

is spotted across the distant sky.

An inhuman machine with the looks of a goddess

and the power of a god, this is a thing of ...

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war in the airdeathjet fightermissileskyradarpilots





Some bad shit goes down and a girl is dead,

killed in an alleyway for a mindless reason.

Her kid in a pram was okay but now has no mother.

You should be shot, you murdering cunt,

as should the satanist pricks who kill kids in the name of evil,

justifying their deeds in the name of the devil.

For he says any evil act is okay, go on just go...

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deathmurderkarmalost lives




A paralysis of my mind at seeing a ship on her side,                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nearly level with the sea.                                                                                   ...

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Hello and welcome to my new poetry blog, some of you who know me may be surprised by my writing and those who don't know me at all I hope you enjoy it.

Quite an old one this but as this is my first entry I thought I would start as I mean to go on.




As the grey old man slips his niche

He discovers the heavenly pleasures of the world

Also he finds that dogs on ...

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C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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Sat in the back of a car – Mini Metro or Chevrolet Matiz –

just waiting for the crash. My crash part of our crash.

Pulping my flesh, tearing skin, crushing bones.

Severing my head as my unbroken left arm twitches –

nerve ending! At my eyes’ last sight.

Mini Metro comes to rest on its side, petrol pools and burns.

Other car gen...

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WW1 starts when prince Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo,

domino affect total war.

Germany defeated, humiliated by Treaty of Versailles.

Re-armament, rise of Nazism in the 30s. WW2 starts, total war again.

Ends with Germany’s utter defeat, closure from WW1 to 2.

Start of Cold War East v West, won’t this be fun!

Inc Yugoslavia under So...

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world war1lossdeathstupiddominoes





And so I looked upon the holocaust after all those years and I see a world torn apart by madness.

Names of places like Auschwitz, Katyn Wood, Dresden and Hiroshima read like the list of the dead.

But that is what they are, sixty years after Mankind’s darkest hour.

Today there is a new war, on terrorism and tyranny, brush fire wars from one place to t...

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end of lifewarconflictdeath





Mother Nature screams in utter rage, a voice as loud as thunder and death and one Man can’t hear himself; yet he knows something is wrong – this is because he has ruined and taken and not given a damn, raping the world, His world and not caring one bit.

So She is concerned and now She acts in the only way that will get results – 

devastatingly so.

A n...

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mother naturerevengedeathplanetmankind's selfishness





It troubled her how it had come to this. She knew each detail, each action, each thought, but it still troubled her.

As she fell to her knees, her woollen skirt became sodden with freshly fallen snow. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she wept for her lost love, gone forever from this strife torn world. Soon she would do the ultimate sin and follow him.


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Wet dawn morning rain dripping on sombre scene

low clouds distilling all colour to grey.

No warmth or hope or peace of mind.

Count down approaches creeping death

as workers test the gallow’s string, new white rope up,

haul heavy sacks of grain to test it – dead weight.

In his cell a condemned man is brought,

he didn’t sleep much. His last day on ear...

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The pussycat remembers back to only yesterday

when she used to run and chase her feline friend.

But that’s just a sad memory now as she sits all alone

and remembers what had once been.

Years of fun and enjoyment ended abruptly

after the car mercilessly killed Tigger.

Now pining little Chocolate Drop

has no friend, only pain.

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painhurtdeathlossno hopecat





A murky dust laden night gives way to a searing

hot day over the barren desert.

Sun glints off metal many miles away

as aerial knights rise to do battle.

The Tigersharks get ready to fight

the Eagles in the coming battle.

Suddenly it starts as missile trails

dance through the sky and jets

leave contrails in the humid upper air.

A ...

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warskydeathdeviljet planes





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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warviolencedeathfunkillsatandevilweaponsequal opportunities





You’re a passenger of life livin’ out your remainin’ days on borrowed time.

You stick two fingers up to the world, life for you is not an oasis but it’s a charred blackened shell.

You steal from anyone to feed your dirty habit, as you slowly deteriorate in your own little hell.

When they find you dead in your bath, a load of needles by your side, w...

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So it is time, love is dead, I have no girl only desolate loneliness

spreading out inside me, sadness leaving tears beyond belief

in this dark hour of my blackness. Mental instability threatens

my very existence, brings trauma and flashbacks, past into focus,

fight as I might. Breaking down to cry in anger at my own loneliness,

find a knife in my...

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love is deadpainlifefailunhappinessdeath




Trapped in this awful fucking life where I wanted to love but ruined the chance when I got it. I’ll never forget her but what does that matter now with defeat snapping at my heels, she fully understands the past snapping at her heels, like mine does. Her words, not mine. I surrender to the nightmare night-time dark veil of defeat and await my end. It came sooner than I thought...

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trappeddeathshipwarlove lost





I sense that you are near me,

close enough to touch, right now.

In my mind.

No one else can see you next to me

but I do. As we are now,

we once were in reality

at some time in our history.

Your spirit never leaves me

and your ghost forever haunts me,

your love is my saviour intertwining

me in your spiders web of hearsay.


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Goya sailing to where? And with whom aboard? So many people each with a name, an age and a story; good or bad? What events led them to be aboard the Goya that night in the Baltic? All were aware of the Russians hot on their heels, better to flee by evacuation than face the wrath of Stalingrad and revenge of Leningrad amongst others. Treat others like they treat you. It was this p...

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Snapping wire whirling and curling in the airflow,

shot loose by enemy bullets. More punching holes

in varnished wooden wing struts, splintering

and shredding the very wood.

Thud, thud, thud as steel rain peppers

tight fabric fuselage, tearing

great holes and destroying the structure.

Big dragonfly wing, wing ribs visible

in the mor...

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ww1air warbulletsfirecombatbiplanedeath

The Air is Still

The air is still, quite

The freezing touch of his hand

Death is by my side





This audio was provided by my husband Scott

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unreal poem on a crazy sad event


Young French woman is very pregnant and about to give birth to a baby. She lives in a remote area so the air ambulance helicopter is called, a state of the art Eurocopter with a highly trained crew. Modern helicopter and trained crew, they know what they’re doing. Pick up the girl to take her to hospital, arrive in style in a cool chopper. Time moves on exceedingly fast, medic ab...

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met a nice gothgal and also could have been killed 30/7/11



After a varied night out where I met varied people including a Welsh Goth in Satan’s hollow, I returned home. Loaded up with 8 pints of beer and kebab and chips, I did the half an hour two mile walk home from trouble filled Oldham. Don’t want any kicking off at 3:30am. Making my way past the park, it happened. I saw 4 Asians walking down the middle of the road. I finishe...

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lovedeathmy life

STUKA POEM from the other side



Take off is early at dawn; twilight covers our planes in gold sunlight.

We climb so slowly for the sun and its protection on our dangerous flight

to England.

Our deadly load is our bombs, we’ll kill those Tommies just like our

Fuerher says. But are we so bad?

All we do is follow our orders and do our terrible mission.

We reach our target in the morning su...

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death and shipwrecks


Ten thousand tears are shed for ten thousand souls lost, taken by the sea after an act of war which took so many more, forever. In a world fraught by Man’s tyranny and bloodlust, a world was torn apart and both innocent and guilty were sent to heaven and hell. What does my generation think of it all, especially of Baltic events and tens of thousands dead? Is it a case of,...

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Think poem



Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn't good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.


What does it solve? Each person...

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poem on a sunken ship


Is it true that the Steuben was sunk in the war by the Soviets?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Is it true that many thousands died?                                                        ...

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last time



Mouth dry as an Egyptian coffin

I lie, a heap of ashes in your arms

Young passion is so wet and green

in age it darkens into smoke and bone


Smoulder up to death’s dark curtain darling

Dust to dust you always will be mine

My heart, a fire pit of braziers burning

Who knows when it is for the final time?





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deathlovedoom and gloom

Baby Jade

 You made a woman of me.

With your little tiny little body growing inside of me.

A tiny foetus that turned into an embryo.

When I first felt you kick I knew I’d never let you go.

The result of a conception made in love.

You had the excitement of a puppy and the grace of a dove.

So small on that screen all bouncing around

When I first saw your scan my feet didn’t touc...

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miscarriagelosslosing a childdeathpainappreciating life

The Price of Freedom

A ghostly image of a soldier

stood in the background,

as a mother with a babe in her

arms stood by a grave site.


She lowly whispered, "Father

this is your son. Son this is your

father. He gave his life so that

others might live."

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Deathfamilymilitarywar poetry

There's Something about April

There’s something about April -
  the way she wears her clothes:
    loosely fit. One button more
      and September is exposed.
        The veil removed, her flesh reveals
          December’s naked trees;
             Springtime lurks behind the bark
               and drags me to my knees.
               I kneel upon her dewy cloak
            And make her moss my bed;

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Mendres Monologue

I'm playing Mendres, the identity of the devil and lead antagonist in an upcoming British film called Dark Domain.

I wrote this piece as a spoken word/metal fusion piece for the project.


Some say the pen is mightier than the sword,

But they all fear the might of my demonic horde.

I'm Mendres, I'm the devil incarnate,

I use the Dark Domain and I seal y...

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deathdevildark domainevil.MendresSatansci-fipoetryrockmetal

Callow Heart


Once, so many years ago,
such a distant place and clime;
moments of thought and life were shared,
each move in perfect time.

Words in unison, hearts pulsed,
so intimate each gesture;
each expression fears repulsed,
companions of great measure.

Now it seems we're worlds apart;
nothing more in common share.
The last desired thing to start,
last threads ...

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In a haze of fear

The end is near

This is my last year

Soon i shall go my dear..


You'll miss me i hope

But i know you will cope

Please do not mope

As i look for the rope..


I could swallow tablets in bed

A bullet to my head

Or leave blood gush from my wrists instead

Don't you worry, i'll do it before we're wed..


A tear just fell f...

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The Day of Grief And Sorrow


The day of grief and sorrow was yesterday.

Another friend of ours had passed away.

It’s impossible to express in words how our hearts pain,

But we all swear, the memory about him will remain.

He was reliable and life he loved so passionately,

Up to the end he was faithful and friendly.

He was his family support and our coach

Without fear, without reproach.


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The Silent Quill


a grated gate by midnight's light
once fell upon a sorry sight
as rain washed out the scarlet stain
the skies bowed down to hear the pain

a voice without a body heard
the sordid tale its waist did gird
one witness found, torn leaf by leaf
Creation's glory sank to grief

a tale no word was writ nor said
into the ground the silence bled
a soaked and orphaned qui...

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