The cloak of nothingness
“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” Hemingway.
Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Luncheon of the Boating Party (1880–1881). Courtesy of the Phillips Collection, DC.
When I look into the mirror
I do not see my face
I see those ghosts behind me,
Trailing blood and lace.
Please excuse my misapprehension,
I do apologise for my fault,
Friday 31st December 2021 7:31 pm
from swerve of shaw to blend of bray
"In the name of Annah the Allmaziful, the Everliving, the Bringer of Plurabilities, haloed be her eve, her singtime sung, her rill be run, unhemmed as it is uneven!"
― James Joyce, Finnegan's Wake
catching my death
it's an English thing
a melody
from tepid heat
to damp cold
trans-(t)his, sans-(t)hat
means nothing to me
no meno'pause
freeze, moan, groan, alone
Wednesday 29th December 2021 4:41 pm
A terrible beauty
Over four years now since the slaughter
On the 22nd May 2017 at the Ariana concert
22 murdered, 116 with injuries they'll carry~
all their lives. The target, the young and carefree.
Before, I loved the rainy mornings of my life
And I never thought friendly mountain passes
Would ferry me away
But now happy times are seldom
And the Manchester rain runs away with me.
From holiday beach ...
Monday 27th December 2021 10:54 pm
Three blind mice
The smell of newly mown grass
deserts us in the winter,
stark-naked trees
occasionally glimmer
in the moonlight;
now the solstice is passed
we move slowly back to November
the dimming of the day.
Starved of sunlight
we stagger into
a year we know nothing of,
a real unknown unknown,
like three blind mice
we scurry away
hoping, just hoping,
that the strangled scream
and the ...
Sunday 26th December 2021 7:46 pm
Inner City Blue
The old pub on the corner lost beneath a motorway junction;
Stands in a similitude of snow now. Its windows are gone the way
Of the church spire from whence the müezzin calls a different faithful to prayer.
The bronze statue of an eminent Victorian child abuser
Glowers over what was once his property, his factory, his people.
There is wet snow in the air.
My nose smells the cold which craw...
Saturday 25th December 2021 10:55 pm
The family face
Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash
"I am the family face; Flesh perishes, I live on" ‘Heredity’, Thomas HardyThe extraordinary ordinariness of the everyday
Day-in-day-out: work, eat, sleep then go away.
Like places at the table becoming vacant one-by-one.
This is what happens to families. They wither, die,
Then sprout anew. But not the same family, and not
The same you. No m...
Friday 24th December 2021 7:57 pm
A raggedy thin cotton dress
On a little girl playing out
On this freezing December day.
She’s thrown out by her mama
Left out by her friends
Deserted by her dad
Neglected by the world
In the end little Ellie is just sad.
Her school calls the doctor,
The doctor calls the nurse,
Torn this and that way,
Little Ellie's just hurt.
Thursday 23rd December 2021 12:51 pm
Photo by Jesse Gardner on Unsplash
Away with the moon
with her shadows and all
those sturdy penumbras
you saw in the ball.
Forget you, forget you
we fall out of bed
and all we beget
is quite suddenly dead.
She’s tousled & sleepy,
this edge of the moon,
Angus, dear Angus,
just walked out the room.
His pool-side of shadows
is living alone;
with ginger-nut bis...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 7:50 pm
We are the Êzîdî
We have lived in Mesopotamia for 6000 years
Our souls burn with the fire of Zoroaster
We suffered 72 attempted genocides under the Ottomans
These attacks failed to extinguish our flame of belief
Faith always came back again; always the same
Until now; since August 2014. Now we are
Scattered far from Sinjar.
5000 men murdered
5000 women and girls stolen into sexua...
Wednesday 22nd December 2021 7:40 pm
Visiting time
I hold her ninety year old hand,
Bruised from the cannulas;
I can see my mum’s thin skin
No longer hides the blood within.
I stroke her hair and think of her
Comforting me when I was the boy
Who ran into her lap spouting blood,
A brush attached to my skull,
With a large rusty nail.
From then on, I wanted my hair
Cut short enough to reveal the scar.
And now as we sit together,...
Monday 20th December 2021 7:01 pm
Saying goodbye
What church-bells toll to mourn their loss?
What calls to prayer by the muezzin in their memory?
For these young men who kill themselves?
— Only the monstrous silence of the media
Only the national blood-loss of young lives.
What mockeries now for them from politicians who do not care;
Only the voice of the mothers whose sons are no longer there —
Only black and white boys...
Sunday 19th December 2021 10:46 pm
In defence of the sentimental
Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, right reverends and wrong reverends of every order. Dead, men and women, born with heavenly compassion in your hearts. And dying thus around us every day. Charlie Dickens, BLEAK HOUSE, CHAPTER XLVII, ‘JO’S WILL'.
In defence of the sentimental
Dickens gave readings of 'A Christmas Carol'-
That universally known 'dream of a book' ...
Friday 17th December 2021 10:56 pm
The Lorelei
Thursday 16th December 2021 8:33 pm
The sand across the beach, engulfed by an hallucinatory gleam,
Or so it seemed. The scale was vast, the proportions dizzying.
We laughed that we lacked the ‘Celtic spirit’, risen from the phoenix,
“ But sells poems,” she side-mouthed, with a knowing wink.
“To all those who know a little and understand less?” he asked.
“Aye, them.” She quietly replied and we walked on: skimming stones,
Wednesday 15th December 2021 9:25 pm
Old photo
Linked arms, looking into the future,
my daughters, in jim-jams,
bought from Sunday markets,
off the Thame Road,
their beautiful young faces
picture a world
imbued with all the scattered sadnesses of time,
or so rhymes this over-flowing mind of mine.
Looking, seeing,
you, as you never can be again,
with all the holy blemishes of youth
leaves me here bereft,
floundering betwe...
Tuesday 14th December 2021 10:05 am
Heart murmur
Man and mist and fog and dog;
my winter-of-the-heart hideaway,
I stop, wake and sleep again.
Clouds disguise this fall
into the past,
as surely as the grave obeys
the rule of days.
Everyday, this sheer cliff path
crumbles, just a little more.
Listen! as these screeched warnings of the gulls,
echo through this thin air.
Seeing you there shimmering,
glistening, as all light fades...
Tuesday 14th December 2021 9:47 am
Pink moon
The sky a pure-pink chiaroscuro that evening
Blotches of an adamantine brittleness
Spread slowly all over the Cheshire plain,
All over the acres and acres of rich pickings.
The quarter moon is waxing to the right
Behind my back and out of sight,
A grove of black, spidery trees
skeletal and strange
Put me in mind of a MR James story
Of an unrequited remonstrance
Of l...
Sunday 12th December 2021 7:51 pm
I walk beside you: tall, stooped,
a quintessentially English presence.
Listen to those flat Fenland vowels
swirl into melodies,
meld with the staccato RP of Cambridge.
So many minor key explorations of sadness;
pull at the scabs of loneliness and regret.
Your songs made plangent
by the melancholic timbre of your voice.
Your abiding mood was irresolution,
the secret cross yo...
Saturday 11th December 2021 8:52 pm
Torn Apart
Friday 10th December 2021 9:50 pm
Empty spaces
Photo by on Unsplash
These empty spaces
Quiver, pulse, inside of me
Composed of God-knows-what:
Memory, hope, desire?
Lacking in originality
these empty rooms,
these lingering spaces,
In empty railways stations
Smell the smoky-smell of coal and steam
Now long gone in this anonymous dream..
I'm caught up in an evening’s desultoriness.
I've seen my 5 children leave ...
Wednesday 8th December 2021 10:16 pm
The unwritten
“When Europeans arrived on this continent, they blew it with the Native Americans. They plowed over them, taking as much as they could of their land and valuables, and respecting almost nothing about the native cultures. They lost the wisdom of the indigenous peoples-wisdom about the land and connectedness to the great web of life…We have another chance with all these refugees. People come here pe...
Wednesday 8th December 2021 9:08 pm
Family values: No pasarán!
Tuesday 7th December 2021 10:57 pm
The never-ending Good Friday
Christian female fighters take on Daesh in Syria | Mena — Gulf News
Sackcloth on our backs
Ashes in our mouths
Wailing loudly and bitterly
We mourn our dead.
The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
Awakens me to the truth
We need more fighters, more youth.
The promises from West
Turn out to be a blasphemy:
The rich mired
In such maggoty apathy
Over the mountains,
Black c...
Monday 6th December 2021 9:09 pm
Christmas roses
Saturday 4th December 2021 8:29 pm
Written at a time of great cruelty and much hypocrisy
Kill not the Moth nor Butterfly
For the Last Judgment draweth nigh
Auguries of Innocence, by William Blake
Thank you for being who you are.
A gift from the multitude of stars
Blessed with both heart and soul:
You shall not grow old.
Who truly knows all the dark crevices of a person?
Not I.
Love is too often hoarded, accumulated, squirreled away:
Like money, jewels, power, pre...
Saturday 4th December 2021 7:49 pm
When the poet ceases singing
There’s an end to everything::
Birds in the trees, lovers, music,
Plangent and deep,
Tempests and the flaring in the mind of man
Foreshadowing that terrible realisation
That you too have followed this same cliff path
Of unadorned humanity
On nights of luminosity and in the darkness
Of the day. When mother, father, child, friend
Have swooned towards the moon in triumph
Or despair. Or ...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 10:25 pm
Moments of the past do not last,
kicked into the long grass,:
a warm early-summer’s day
in the twentieth century
gold petals of Sylvi's verse.
Days of stormy-autumn
come with flurries of snow
melted by my rich body heat.
In the frozen snow
a frozen child
poor with thin clothes.
She will not grow old..
Tumbling-heaps of red, gold, brown
no crisp-crackle underfoot
just un...
Wednesday 1st December 2021 5:47 pm
Sunday 28th November 2021 12:20 am
His garden was slightly uneven, slightly tiered,
From early February’s putting on of scattered beauty –
Snowdrops, daffs and crocuses –
A cascade of shade and colour.
His garden bloomed throughout the growing year.
So-many forget-me-nots:
Wild primrose and aubrietia
Then larkspur, delphinium and the beautiful bluebells
Carnations, cornflower and iris
Tier after tier cultivate...
Friday 26th November 2021 9:45 pm
Redemption song
For the Edwards & the Adas, and the Agathas & Alfs,
For the host and crowd of ‘old ‘uns’ ‘going south’.
For the stoics and the silent, for the quietly afraid;
For those who’ve always known the outcome’s
Thank God!
For those who disapprove, of everything I say
But who’ll defend my right to say it night and day.
When priest or rabbi or imam degenerates into hate
“Écrasez l’infâme!”...
Friday 26th November 2021 9:16 pm
You both died, my son, my brother,
And I was broken for many, many years.
I can no longer hide this from myself,
Behind this screen of anonymity:
I have stood in empty spaces,
Walked along the winter beach
Stripped of everything except wind and sand and sea.
And me, I have looked into the summer sky for your blue-blue eye;
And all, all I see, repeatedly, are grey-clouds a-skimming blank lo...
Tuesday 23rd November 2021 9:49 pm
We can no longer gather
the brightest of England's strands together
Too many were lost in wars
We cannot compensate these young men,
Dead before their time,
Their genes lost
Their bravery and stoicism no longer passed down
To further generations.
We, descendants of the cowards and the conchies and the lucky,
Slink again into ordinary life
Stripped of all the dead might have of...
Monday 22nd November 2021 6:45 pm
Black country
Sunday 21st November 2021 8:58 pm
Tell people what they do not want to hear
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. George Santayana
No. I don't believe that entitlement.-
when somebody liberal and polite,
pinches the good school place
from your child. You must curse them.
When somebody, with more money,
Acquires the house you'd love.
Give them a shove in the back
Spit in their eye, then let them creep by.
But kee...
Friday 19th November 2021 10:08 pm
Endurance is a flower
A bulb in winter’s depth
A rare-repeated wonder:
A sin we must forget.
In this-world-of-my-creation
In this world-of-make-believe:
Cancer, the death of children,
Are falling autumn leaves.
I see a road before me,
A road I walk in vain,
A road through Trawden, Lancashire
A road that has no name.
All roads lead to heaven
Thursday 18th November 2021 10:32 pm
Holy sonnet
No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one autumnal face.
John Donne
A brother and a son on the edge of a cliff
Walking and talking, they look out to sea
Me? I shout and I shout, but they don’t hear me.
They’re fading, they’re falling, off the cliff side
The sky is as huge, and the sea is as wide
As the moving of moon, as the rising of tide.
This Calvary moment,...
Tuesday 16th November 2021 9:43 pm
Hiraeth is a Welsh word with no precise English synonym or equivalent. I take it to mean a form of spiritual desolation formed by a nostalgia for a home we never had. How life was before the fall from grace and into the realm of mortality. A pre-lapsarian sense of the beauty of the garden of Eden: a time out of time, and a place out of place.
Hedd Wyn the shepherd poet who wrote in Welsh...
Sunday 14th November 2021 5:51 pm
“The question shouldn't be "Why are you, a Christian, here in a death camp, condemned for trying to save Jews?' The real question is "Why aren't all the Christians here?”
― Joel C. Rosenberg, 'The Auschwitz Escape'.
The aim of the blues,
the only aim of the blues,
is not to pass you by~
but rather to aid you to scrape by,
to occasionally get high,
and always to know
On the road from...
Saturday 13th November 2021 11:12 pm
In pursuit of the blue
Morning maniac music
shakes me awake
you, regular guys,
who once brought hope
now mired in hate.
Over the mountain,
clouds scud
blood on the floor
fades away.
Iron in the soul,
blood over water
all those refugees
avoiding slaughter,
as we oughter.
Waiting for sanctuary
no sanctuary offered
patriots will take care
of the country’s coffers.
Christendom fallen,
Friday 12th November 2021 11:44 pm
It was the model spitfire in your front room window
That separated you from that tribe,
We call ‘the old’.
I saw you sometimes at the shops, your movements slow, deliberate,
You carried a basket, the old-fashioned clumpy kind.
And you were always looking behind you. I thought it was the traffic
You feared, but now I know it was the Messerschmidt ME 262 that still had y...
Tuesday 9th November 2021 7:38 pm
From the Russian
Sunday 7th November 2021 9:01 pm
Hoar frost
It is the year's midnight, the old gods have gone to ground,
Their acolytes burnt, stretched upon the rack, hung, drowned...
For century after century the druid - the knowing of the oak -
Was driven out of place, trapped and yoked into subservience
Come! walk with me in the freezing mist of a November night -
Don't be squeamish, don't take fright -
See this land under the moon's mil...
Saturday 6th November 2021 7:56 pm
Identity theft
Stare at the red candle, remember the smell of patchouli oil
With Red Leb from all those years ago. Remember~
On Saturday 4th July,1846 the London Daily News
Extolled the virtues of this peculiar Indian oil in preventing moths.
Nothing to do with hippies except famished sloths.
India, Afghanistan olfactory-based imagined communities from the past
Have a grip that wont last. Ad age...
Friday 5th November 2021 7:58 pm
When the clocks strike thirteen
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell
AS I approach death
I become more careless
Of myself. Instead of looking
Within I look out and see
The unalloyed beauty
Of all the natural world
& of the human world around me.
I admire the majesty of all the ex-cons
Beggars, thieves, all those who just
About get by and spit in the eye
Of the dark-hearted...
Wednesday 3rd November 2021 10:34 pm
Très jolie
burning a hole in my head
flame into words not said
glancie all around
frown at aa faint dismal distant sound
like a muffled bell
on the road to hell
the past lasts
in accents unused
in dead languages
of the dead sea
in the broken books
and the broken heads
in all the things we left unsaid
fleeing from ourselves
escaping goblins, fairies, elves
landing in the land
of unkno...
Tuesday 2nd November 2021 9:13 pm
Poetry’s a sanctuary
A refuge of the mind
Words flow so easily
Sorted into line.
The flotsam and the jetsam
Of all these live-long days
Do not hold a candle to
Dear old purple haze.
Monday 1st November 2021 9:34 pm
écrasez l’infâme
The Scientific Enlightenment spead in the west at no small cost
Imprisionment, blasphemy, censorship, internment, death
Yet the magnificent Secular, Spiritual Sceptical, Scientific Spirit Survived
and slowly tamed...
Sunday 31st October 2021 10:04 pm
No foot marks in the sand
To mark my passage.
No disturbance in the air.
I cry and grieve and cherish
My face immobile, as I stare
Out at stormy autumn.
O! living through November
Demands a certain flair.
Foggy bafflements afflict me, everywhere,
Pea-soupers some might say,
As I gaze beyond the moon
I swoon into another dismal November day.
Sunday 31st October 2021 1:09 am
The way of the cloud
In every mouthful of food
In every look of love
In every chiding and every making up:
This sometimes bay of tranquillity,
This harbour to which we hope to return,
This shelter from the storms and squalls of life,
This goddess of the trailing moon,
Sails with us
as we traverse the wild seas of experience.
The ultimate nature of the fully enlightened mind
is a union of pure love and empt...
Thursday 28th October 2021 9:13 pm
Early onset Alzheimer's
“No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face."
[The Autumnal]”
― John Donne,
The blue is missing from the sky today
the trees have no leaves
outside is cold
the wind is cruel.
There is a person
in front of me
i don't know who it is.
I remember playing out
with my sisters
on a skipping rope.
It is cold inside,
that lady told me it is morn...
Wednesday 27th October 2021 5:12 pm
Roll away the stone
An old olive oil press rusting
at the bottom of a sandy garden
in his occupied territory.
A man lying prostrate,
face down, on the sandy soil.
Not dead but murmuring
about a weight, a burden, something.
I could not hear clearly,
what with all the muffled explosions
and such.
This man, this man, he screamed out
But there was no other man ...
Monday 25th October 2021 9:25 pm
A permanent loss of happiness
Beneath this beach of sand and shells
Such new-found-land frames and hides
Such wide horizons; I walk along the cliff:
Sheer drop upon the windward side,
Embedded trilobites, beneath my feet
Quartz and Muscovite from the granite
Weathered by the winds and waves
Sea-forms outcrops, hidden rocks, caves.
Time carves the face of all mankind
Time shears the skin, sculpts the lines around
The ...
Sunday 24th October 2021 9:41 pm
I glimpse washing
Dripping into daylight
As the moon fades
Wind and rain shower
Trees sway
On this formless
Light tucks away dream
I see
Children - washed, tired, pale, poor -
They know it's All Hallows Eve
I know it too.
Tired ghosts forget to rise
Again witches tumble into day
As all magik drains away.
Clogged motors roar
As mist lifts.
Curtains dragged a...
Sunday 24th October 2021 9:21 pm
White Teeth
All those fecking white teeth
On the screen, obscene, even
Before you listen to the words
So absurd they make me laugh
And then there's the sin-cerity
Of the rich in the twenty-first century
Their appropriateness gets me right
Here, in the teeth, tho mine
Are full of fillings and crowns.
Go fuck the appropriate-ness
Of a woke pretence at a sixth
Sense. The extraordinary
Friday 22nd October 2021 9:26 pm
The ruins of Nineveh
Those rich metaphors drawn from the sky and sea
Rich funereal language, baptism, burial and birth,
Blossom and harvest, the wise ones, Witan’s children.
The lips of children sing
This life is not enough.
Smoke over Mosul. Mosul’s churches where once
The Jacobite heart of Christian belief was celebrated
Are now slave markets for Daesh barbarians.
Children hide amongst the ruins o...
Thursday 21st October 2021 10:42 pm
Going home
Home only lasts a few short years,
houses pass on to more
human families. After a time,
we have nowhere to haunt,
nowhere to return to after a long
day in office or factory. Only the
graveyard for our mortal remains.
Our souls, released from blood and bone,
trip lightly over hills, glide over lakes and seas.
But no return home to the kids and the dog and the tele.
Monday 18th October 2021 11:51 pm
I degenerate into words. Waiting, between
sentences, for the muse to catch up with me,
I fulminate, flash like lightning, explode
So that I catch myself thinking this
Is all an act to compensate for the time
Brian climbed that tree before disappearing
To Japan, for all eternity. I wish Haiku was true.
A cherry blossom flash of inspiration
To can...
Saturday 16th October 2021 9:55 pm
Crocuses, snowdrops push up their merry heads
The cairn on the woodland path marks the unburied dead
In the air, fleeting wisps of winter, white detrius, skeletal trees
A very occasional dew drop spends time hanging with the weeds.
This man he is an old man, his language Gaelic and rare,
Who in winter stares into the fire, in his isolated lair.
An bóthar ag taisteal na sióga….
...Thursday 14th October 2021 7:18 pm
Generation 27
Lorca’s blood wedding
Bodies bleeding
Into lemon-tree-soil
Reminds me of nothing more than the toil, toil, toil
Of life in Al-Andalus.
Priests chanting the rosary
Like it was El Maleh Rachamim
Or the Mourner's Kaddish
(which it probably was, if the priest
Was a Converso, who changed his religion
To save his life or, more likely, the lives of his children).
The Moriscos, Muslim ...
Wednesday 13th October 2021 8:27 pm
The Resurrection of the dead
Suffering and desire
Twist these unbidden tears
Out of me
Pumping hearts, his parting breath
Human life conducted in the dark
The hidden fears
The inconsolable grief
Many fear-filled years.
Craving for permanence
For the enduring stillness
Of the Sea of Galilee.
But let’s walk
To the tomb of Maimonides:
Oh! Why do the wicked prosper?
Why oh! why do the righteou...
Tuesday 12th October 2021 7:35 pm
White privilege
"Liberal elites don’t have a clue about the white working class." The Washington Post
We occupy space
Some days hanging
On by our finger tips
Scared to look down
Or up
We hover on a magic carpet
Of hope
That things will finally get better
That Rita will be offered a council flat
But the man says Afghan asylum seekers
Come first, you'll get your turn
But don't ho...
Tuesday 12th October 2021 12:05 am
A lamentation upon the fall of Constantinople 29 May 1453
St Sophia's a Christian cathedral for over 1000 years, now a mosque by order of sultan Erdogan
None of us will survive,
we must strive again,
to seed some fallow earth
with the holy mysteries
of the Byzantines.
Their intelligence mirrored in mirth,
amidst the agonies of birth, and death,
comes the accidental revelation,
a voice that will always sing
of the majesty that was Const...
Saturday 9th October 2021 12:46 pm
To the crags, where eagles soar
Away with the moon
with her shadows and all
those sturdy penumbras
you saw in the ball.
Forget you, forget you
we fall out of bed
and all we beget
is quite suddenly dead.
She’s tousled & sleepy,
this edge of the moon,
Angus, dear Angus,
just walked out the room.
His pool-side of shadows
is living alone;
with ginger-nut biscuits
and large g...
Thursday 7th October 2021 12:21 am
The flowers of the forest
More than five rugby teams’ worth of men,
every week, dead by their own hands,
young men mostly, three times as many men as women,
nearly 6000 a year, 60,000 over a decade and….
Using the traditional routes to oblivion —
hanging from a tree, opening the arteries, being free with the pills
a closed garage and exhaust fumes,
jumping off high-rise flats, bridges, cheap thrills…...
Tuesday 5th October 2021 11:49 pm
Gracehoper jigs ajog,
hoppity skippity croaks Mr Frog.
Shhhhh! Finnegan's Awake!
Complain with the full force of a Jesuit priest
Whine like a man who's out of time.
Casuistry and sophistry cling together perfectly,
Poetry’s more about the wine than the whine:
A true poet makes the difficult easy
Turns water into wine in a half-truncated line,
Caesuras soar, in a breeze of words
Monday 4th October 2021 11:23 pm
A sliver of a moon highlights
the stone house on the hill
full of young people, rushing
hither and thither, a cascade
of sound, a weekend of laughter,
a blaze of eyes. No disguise
so many discriminations:
of face, of education, of class.
We knew it couldn’t last.
I retreated for forty years or more
but I always knew I’d come back
to settle this musical score
moonbeams on youth
Saturday 2nd October 2021 11:00 pm
Final Solution
“Today, I think that if for no other reason than that an Auschwitz existed, no one in our age should speak of Providence.” Primo Levi, Shoah
The Unwritten predominates,
The times of wonder gone,
We hold on - the wise women drugged,
Whipped, into submission.
Forensic psychology reveals traces
Of long-forgotten haunted faces;
Which, much like Munch's lurid, silent scream...
Tuesday 28th September 2021 3:36 pm
The wheels of tribulation
Turn full circle,
Seek solace seen by starlight
In a blanket of earth;
A reincarnation
Of simple truth.
On this sacrosanct morning,
With the trees shedding;
Their petals, veined,
Crispy brown, wind-blown.
I fall into quiet.
I pursue a solitary silence,
A vigil of sorts,
Among a brotherhood
Of loss.
Holding close the solace
Of a vicious wounding
Monday 27th September 2021 10:21 pm
Wie prophetisch - Rainer Maria Rilke by John E Marks
A great deceit is practised by the liars who rule the world
Playing the fool they tell us we cannot be ourselves.
And we believe them, more fool we.
They tell us to be satisfied, to fall into line,
But amongst themselves they call us
Filthy, ignorant swine.
They drink their wine slowly,
Savour every drop.
Laugh at the face outside the window
Dirty, ignorant sop.
On April 19, 1903 in Vi...
Sunday 26th September 2021 1:24 am
Everywhere I turn
In this autumnal mess of illness
and death i am bereft - stretched
upon the rack of reality i confess
that once upon a boyhood day
i saw those pearly blue robins'
eggs, i knew how much i did not
know and i knew for the first time
my family was poor i loved them
so; more than words can say.
Now I watch my mother cry
after 70 years of marriage
to the orphan boy who knew
the rou...
Saturday 25th September 2021 10:31 pm
This rose for all the world
For you,
These tears for all the dead,
Those empty words of morning tide
This ever-present dread.
Those cloying smells of perfume,
On the dresses of the rich,
This workman stumbling
His body in a ditch.
September's moon still shining,
On this old planet's doom,
Her wind and tide conspiring:
A chill invades the room.
Thursday 23rd September 2021 11:53 pm
The high, Lapis Lazuli skies of flaming June
Are in absentia in damp and cold November;
For the patterns in the grass can not last.
And so we take the winding stair into the
High tower, above this land of forgetfulness
Where once upon a golden dawn good faeries
Danced a circle of rare delight within the sight
Of one John Mulligan who, on the...
Monday 20th September 2021 12:39 pm
Sheer lunacy
Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent. RD Laing
In the bloody water the woman's head was immersed. As they drove the iron through the skull, a technique called trephination.
She let out the roar of the damned, thus confirming trephination's efficacy, and their suspicions.
Yellow bile for mania, black bile for depression, we need to tea...
Sunday 19th September 2021 11:38 pm
Burnham Beeches, with Anna 1985
the sadness of sundays
even amidst
the various
reds, yellows, browns and golds
of stormy autumn
and as I walk
I have in mind
the fragility of a veined
so, who am I to resist
this child's
every imperative?
Saturday 18th September 2021 1:45 am
A turn up for the book
Thursday 16th September 2021 8:18 pm
Too late for us, my love,
icy winds blew our dreams away
before you could even say ‘I love you so’
these empty streets scattered
snow into the icy air of home.
I took you into my dreams even before
you existed, all the twists of life bounded
up with you. But who can see the end of life
in this storm of wind and cold and being young?
Do not tell me that the stars still shine
God’s jok...
Tuesday 14th September 2021 11:00 pm
Photo by Cajeo Zhang on Unsplash
This silk road through the mountains,
These sundry stops, and stinks,
This rising into fury,
This slinking into think.
This edge of trees and wildings,
This glazing of the sun,
O! the spreading stench of wolverine,
O! Missy dead by the hand of her son.
This stink of flesh uneaten,
This sighing of the dove,
A game of death and stillnes...
Sunday 12th September 2021 8:23 pm
The bridge of sighs
Sometimes, when we open our eyes,
Like Byron, on the bridge of sighs,
And see what is really always there,
Unresting death,
Moulded in white limestone,
Hidden behind bars;
Then we take a scare
That sends us scurrying
That's not the bridge of sighs.
Friday 10th September 2021 3:29 pm
The smell of tar
Children playing in Manchester 1971 — Flashbak
It was the hot summer of 1959. I was eight years old with a brutalist hair cut and wearing dirty grey shorts. It was 7.30 pm and still bright. I was sitting on the kerb of my road (there were not many cars then, everyone had a bike). Three of us, playing with sticks and talking, always talking. To my immediate right, was Neil, always scru...
Thursday 9th September 2021 9:17 pm
I am paralysed, silent, stuck
in a shadow behind this mountain
I scurry into a winter-valley:
Dried up, shrivelled, weather-beaten:
Rock- hidden fossils, time set in stone.
Evolutions of Medusa'd scare the shit out of me
Even if I wasn't afflicted by a peculiar petrified decay.
she gazed all the way into me
rubbed away something, eternally lost.
Stains dry and calcify
deep in these ...
Wednesday 8th September 2021 8:33 pm
Warmer than blood
The wonder of the just ordinary, mundane
Nothing, under heaven, remains the same.
The glint, the glance, the gaze, the smile,
The unconscious optimism of the one more
pilgrim mile. 'It’ll be OK’, ‘Live to fight another day.’
Looking down at the myriad of wild flowers
Born to make a carpet on this valley floor.
I look up at the swirling clouds of grey-blue
Each one a reflection of an unass...
Sunday 5th September 2021 11:47 pm
The price of coal
The children were attending, or not attending, interested or bored, on the terrible day of the slip. They may have been thinking about Halloween, but unlikely given the date 21 October 1966.
Americana was still at a distance from these south Wales valleys.
More likely the boys would be planning to collect firewood for Bonfire night.
The unforgettable truth was that 144 people would...
Saturday 4th September 2021 11:49 pm
A rose garden, at altitude, under occupation
In mid-winter
I picture the rose garden,
the secret garden of my soul,
where all that is good and all that is fine
is written in a tender-script divine
and where persian berries tantalise me
and the dates from al’andalus tempt us all.
The figs are tasty and the wine just fine
chinese herbs help me see
the tibetan plateau in all its majestic beauty
all around me sublimity.
Friday 3rd September 2021 9:32 pm
Waiting for the barbarians is finally over:
Shades of pale shine through the pretty traces of lace,
Revealing in opal-luminosity the essence of these late Romans,
Their indigo-dream now red with gore on this bloody May Day
Ottoman savagery cancels forever their impossible absorption into the timeless
creation of Constantinople’s holy drift and swell.
Elysium’s perfumed garden of lucidit...
Wednesday 1st September 2021 10:34 pm
Ovid in exile
So hard to please, gentle reader,
so unlike me, loose, thoughts astray
Hot, tonight, as it was for the poet,
Ovid, exiled from Rome to the Black Sea.
So many exiled nights ago,
Go slow, I whisper, go slow.
Forebodings bring unstoppable shakings
Like i have poisoned blood,
I think I have stolen your heart.
I never lie,...
Tuesday 31st August 2021 7:48 pm
Love is a losing game
Friday 27th August 2021 12:47 am
Christian forbearance
He nailed his voice
to the heart of a mast.
Learnt to speak up for himself.
Spent time in jail in South Africa
For defending his black friends
From the beatings of the Boer.
The winds took him hither and thither
He never felt Oh! Rest assured.
In a convicted, a convinced
a sentimental in-pouring of grief way
he leant to swallow pain and anger.
Just one more inheritance
From t...
Tuesday 24th August 2021 9:07 pm
Your skin alabaster cold now
Calluses of decades of heavy work
Lumped togetther with the bruised blood pooling
Around my father's dead eyes.
Oh! I love this orphan of the 1930s
More than words can say. His tortured
Childhood marked out in the myriad
Of white scars that pepper his back.
His life as an able seaman, sailing to Burma
When he was still a teen, sunk three...
Monday 23rd August 2021 1:29 am
Seeing things
Moments of Vvsion fade away
But a magical moment is, here, today;
And all it will cost you,
Is all of your life.
Cast over the sea and cast over the moon
You’ll be reading the stars
After reading the runes…..
Green shades, dappled sunlight
The landscapes of the eye
A life passes by
Music, the primal scream
Modulated, nuanced,
Life is more than it seems.
Saturday 21st August 2021 11:04 pm
As I have not worried to be born, I do not worry to die." Frederico Garcia Lorca
All that remains of the purpled garden
are the tattered garments of aniquity
resurrected in all honesty
by your hands around your lover’s waist,
eyes shining with tears
as you taste the brandy of eternity
swilling around your mouth
and look at the azure ocean,
so far from Barcelona and the ...
Friday 20th August 2021 2:50 am
Quantum leap
“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”
― Sylvia Plath
When sadnesses besiege you:
at the dying of the light
and starlight illuminates
the end of night.
you will tingle in the frosted air of sight.
Starlight mirrored in the water and the eyes
when h...
Thursday 19th August 2021 5:15 pm
Two worlds
She cried as if she was three again
This competent, clever, caring woman:
Her practice all-emergency work now: depression, deserted children, suicide dead souls,
Spice, Meth, Horse, Charlie, Booze, Weed, E.
Foul defilement, rape, violence, tears.
People living in fear
Do you hear?
People too scared to fall asleep!! You who live in the comfort zone,
Of pensions, savings, in...
Tuesday 17th August 2021 10:26 pm
Mother's little helper
End of life care,
Look on the label,
you'll find the promise, there
square on the bottle
where big pharma's little helper:
postpones death just a little longer
extends the half- life
but you're still no younger:
sans teeth, sans mind,
sans dignity,
the benefits of big pharma?
Friday 13th August 2021 10:36 pm
Past imperfect
Wednesday 4th August 2021 12:46 am
John Clare
The wonder of the mundane
nothing remains the same
glint, glance, gaze, smile,
the optimism of that green mile
a myriad of wild flowers sway in the breeze
look up at the swirling clouds of grey-blue a reflection of the unassumed eternity of you. a side long glance that seeks to cause you hurt
with the untold gentilities of flirt pa...
Monday 2nd August 2021 2:57 pm
Butterflies Alight
To live a life in a day
the difference is plain
there’s no doing it again.
A flight within the 4th-dimension
no squirming weasel words for you
just a graceful flutter and decline
On a wing and a prayer
No absence of synesthesia there.
A mingling of the finest bouquet
With the deepest regret in a minor chord
The tug at your heart and a tear at your chest
Just flower after flower, n...
Friday 30th July 2021 10:27 pm
Come away, O human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand,
For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand."
William Butler Yeats,
I remember falling as a child
Being lifted by a faery-wild;
She kissed my cheek and mussed my hair
And then she wasn’t there.
Some blind folk see the faeries clear,
For faeries are always close or near,
Oh, b...
Thursday 29th July 2021 10:40 pm
Remembering Charlie
So scared tonight, he made me feel as helpless
As I am. He’s looking at me as I write,
Cataracts on his eyes, panting. No disguise.
The fear he feels at the strangeness of the universe,
The inexplicability of life: the thunder.
But he knows I love him and he takes heart
As I tempt him into a cave under my desk
And Yes! He has finally settled down –
At least a bit – panting still but now n...
Thursday 29th July 2021 10:07 pm
Once upon an August midnight ?
Moon came to an old Cheshire mere,
This boy cannot stop looking
And looking at pretty Missy Moon.
Thunder growls on this high summer eve
Missy Moon shows off her talents
Her rounded suppleness of form.
She shows all her shades and shadows
Toing-and-froing the moon swings like a nursery rhyme.
Moonlight flows so that boy is now an old man
sleeping in a hammock made of shades and tears.
Tuesday 27th July 2021 11:30 pm
People of a lesser vintage
I live a November life
where I run like a train
deeper and deeper
through the tunnels,
over wind-swept bridges,
through the sedentary, childless
villages of the old from where I am now
in the land of mine enemies
where hostile witnesses abound,
skilled at shaking fists, digging up dirt,
being respectably contemptible.
Such terrible beauty in these lands of the rich:
wizened faces stu...
Monday 26th July 2021 8:55 pm
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