The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Tell people what they do not want to hear

Loveliest Of Trees": A. E. Housman And J. L. Carr | Painting, Artist, Art


Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  George Santayana 

No. I don't believe that entitlement.-
when somebody liberal and polite,
pinches the good school place
from your child. You must curse them.


When somebody, with more money,
Acquires the house you'd love.
Give them a shove in the back
Spit in their eye, then let them creep by.

But keep an eye on 'em. 

The corruption is deep and relies on class
Differences, not gender nor race; a fact
You'll face, if you're honest with yourself.
The best poems tell you what you already know.

Footsteps in the snow.  



◄ Forget-me-not

Black country ►


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M.C. Newberry

Sat 20th Nov 2021 12:53

One of the pleasures of my career at the sharp end of London
policing back in the day was being expected to treat everyone
"irrespective of race, colour, creed or social position" just the same.
This suited me fine as it was always a question of being polite
at the outset and expecting the same in return. Anything from
one extreme to the other across the social spectrum didn't help the subject of my attentions. Take as you find - that always
went well. Class lies in the individual,, not in perceived wealth
or social status, with the small "Henry Higgins caveat" that
using the English language deserves proper respect! ?

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