Family values: No pasarán!
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” — ~ Albert Einstein, Jew and Theoretical PhysicistKonstandinos Scurfield (front), first British anti-ISIS volunteer killed on active service (2015), poses for a photograph with Kurdish fighters and other foreign volunteers in Iraq. Photograph: AP All over England children cry, whimper Punched, mocked , beaten, raped. Strongly unprotected by the agents of the state. Mothers work so hard, £880 a week for a damp flat, They struggle to clean the nest for the social worker's Visit. Mother sacifices for her daughters and her sons 'I never did eat much, and, anyway, they come first'. Attacks on the family abound Since the hypocrite Thatcher, Doyen of the monetarist right Massacred mining villages And working class communities All over the north. Still we all hope they'll be a better day When Conservatives conserve And Labour labours to do right By the poor. Maybe God breezes into our lives To make everything anew. But in the meantime we struggle on. Work can be men's escape from family stress They expect the women to do the rest. Washing blooms upon the line as tired children Walk to school breaking every covid rule But happy with the chatter and laughter. Storms blow away our northern defences Westminster doesnt give a flying fuck. When I dream I grunt, roar, under the showers of heaven In the gardens of Christ, I may be fruitful to Him; And our sweet old English ways may one day return Shining upon the merry merits of the common man.
PHOTO: Konstandinos Scurfield (front), first British anti-ISIS volunteer killed on active service (2015), poses for a photograph with Kurdish fighters and other foreign volunteers in Iraq. Photograph: AP