The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.



We are the Êzîdî
We have lived in Mesopotamia for 6000 years
Our souls burn with the fire of Zoroaster
We suffered 72 attempted genocides under the Ottomans
These attacks failed to extinguish our flame of belief
Faith always came back again; always the same
Until now; since August 2014. Now we are
Scattered far from Sinjar.
5000 men murdered
5000 women and girls stolen into sexual slavery
And still the west does nothing..

The Islamist Turks are on a killing spree
Here in 2021.
Enslaved, murdered, reduced
We still cling to our Peacock Angel
Melek Taus who was forged by God.

In Mesopotamia we used to be everywhere
20 million of us now reduced to half a million
Even Êzîdî children were murdered by Daesh
For not being Muslim
For not being people of the book,
May God forgive these Salafist-devils. We cannot.

I cannot forgive and I will not forget.
Victory to the YPG Protection Units
The all-women brigades of Yezedis, Christians, Shia
Victory to all the western volunteers
Who fight Daesh and the Turks with us
VIVA Kurdistan! Viva YPG!

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