The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.


First World War, 1916. English soldiers in the trenches on the Somme Stock  Photo - Alamy


We can no longer gather
the brightest of England's strands together
Too many were lost in wars
We cannot compensate these young men,
Dead before their time,
Their genes lost
Their bravery and stoicism  no longer passed down
To further generations.
We, descendants of the cowards and the conchies and the lucky, 
Slink again into ordinary life
Stripped of all the dead might have offered.
This iron in my soul is an obscene reminder
Of those lost boys who shall never grow old
Or so  I was once told 
Now, I look into the west at the bloody skies
Of sunset, of remnants of our childhood home,
And how heavily hope dies within me as I remember you:
Past touch and sight and sound
Not further to be found,
How hopeless under ground
Falls the remorseful day.  [AE Housman}


◄ Black country

Sad ►


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M.C. Newberry

Tue 23rd Nov 2021 15:21

Being "lucky" in life has a value far above the word itself.
It can, on occasion, chime with "plucky" and be twice rewarded.
These lines achieve a very real effect in denoting the waste
of war and its inestimable damage to the future in both the
personal and general sense. My own father survived 1917-1918
in France. Belgium and Italy, yet my maternal uncle was killed in
1916, the year before Dad was posted, still in his teens, to the battlefield. There seems no rhyme to provide any reason for
how the fates allot their arbitrary outcomes.

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John Marks

Tue 23rd Nov 2021 09:10

Thank you Keith. Praise indeed from one who knows. And, aye, Pete, you're right there, Tommy Atkins, British soldier, unappreciated in peace yet relied upon in war:

"Yes, makin' mock o' uniforms that guard you while you sleep
Is cheaper than them uniforms, an' they're starvation cheap." Kipling

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keith jeffries

Mon 22nd Nov 2021 22:34

Along with others I have dwelt on and written poetry about our fallen lads but this poem encapsulates more than I could ever say. John, thank you for these words, everyone of which is rich in truth and a tribute to those whose courage still shines through the mess we have created for ourselves and now live in.

Thank you indeed,

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Pete (edbreathe)

Mon 22nd Nov 2021 21:14

Tommy this and Tommy that

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