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White privilege

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"Liberal elites don’t have a clue about the white working class." The Washington Post


We occupy space
Some days hanging
On by our finger tips
Scared to look down 
Or up
We hover on a magic carpet
Of hope 

That things will finally get better
That Rita will be offered a council flat
But the man says Afghan asylum seekers
Come first, you'll get your turn
But don't hold your breath.

Maybe little Joe will find a place at a good school
But the man says it's over subscribed
Folk from the private estate down the lane
He'll survive but won't thrive.

Gran needs an op to save her life
But it's been cancelled twice
and she's given up trying to see the GP
Husband or wife

Me? I want a better job, full time,
like in the olden days 
regular hours  pension
Holidays and such.
"Some hope" he says
"Yeah some fucking hope" I whisper to myself. 



◄ A lamentation upon the fall of Constantinople 29 May 1453

The Resurrection of the dead ►


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Stephen Gospage

Tue 12th Oct 2021 17:12

It's a sad fact that people living in poor conditions will often take out their frustrations on other poor and disposessed. This is a tricky area but the reality of deprivation is there and I think you express it well.

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John Marks

Tue 12th Oct 2021 10:06

A lot of middle class investors bought up the 3-bedroom council houses years ago. The 'good' housing stock is now all in private hands. In Salford it can take 10 years in the queue for a family with three kids to get a 3-bedroom house, if they ever do. And that's in a Labour area where the council are still building housing for rent. Margaret Hodge, when MP
for Barking, argued in 2007 that the Government
“should look at policies where the legitimate
sense of entitlement felt by the indigenous family
overrides the legitimate need demonstrated by
the new migrants”. This is still not happening and it builds huge resentment.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 12th Oct 2021 09:45

Afghan refugees are currently holed up in hotels, and some are so miserable that they want to go back home, John. I assume you're listing the 'refugees are taking our council homes' as working-class myth, which it is, rather than fact. Thatcher got rid of most of the council homes decades ago. But I get and agree with the main point of this poem.

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