The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

Empty spaces

Photo by on Unsplash

These empty spaces
Quiver, pulse, inside of me
Composed of God-knows-what:
Memory, hope, desire?
Lacking in originality
these empty rooms,
these lingering spaces,
In empty railways stations
Smell the  smoky-smell of coal and steam
Now long gone in this anonymous dream..
I'm caught up in an evening’s desultoriness.
I've seen my 5 children leave home
We have their brother's ashes.  
I see a girl’s slight distress as she leaves the empty nest.
Such absences: father, brother, son
Mingle with the spine-tingling haunting of my imagination,
That is a prelude to a waking death:
Echoes and shadows of those who walked before. 
Sitting, upon the floor of  an A&E trauma room
Where  their isolated cry punctures the sky,
Disturbs the hush of illness.
The ever present caw-caw-cawing of the brazen crows
Across the road, in another century,
When the heated glow of household fires welcomed
Tired soldiers home to share the beds of strangers

And still the cries bounce from wall-to-wall
Echoing, in these empty rooms, that fatal Fall .



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John Marks

Sun 12th Dec 2021 19:16

My most sincere pleasure my dear Keith.

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keith jeffries

Wed 8th Dec 2021 22:41

Haunting, exquisite in ways whereby each reading creates new
images in my mind.
Expressions such as, "these empty rooms, these lingering spaces, in empty railway stations", "across the road in another century" and " still the cries bounce from wall to wall, echoing in these empty rooms, that fatal fall" All come together to foster an atmosphere, a scene where memories are evoked in a sense of futility.
This poem caught my imagination in a highly receptive mood.
John, thank you for this.

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