The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.


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No foot marks in the sand

To mark my passage.

No disturbance in the air.

I cry and grieve and cherish

My face immobile, as I stare

Out at stormy autumn.

O! living through November

Demands a certain flair. 

Foggy bafflements afflict me, everywhere,

Pea-soupers some might say,

As I gaze beyond the moon

I swoon into another dismal November day.



◄ The way of the cloud

écrasez l’infâme ►


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John Marks

Sun 31st Oct 2021 16:34

Hi Jennifer. Yes, you are correct in your seasonal surmise. SAD. Spent Setember in Florence once upon a time. So much more light. Here in the North of England it is 04.32pm and nearly dark. I take succor in the fact that we are all subject to "l'amor che move il sole e l'altre stelle" Duarante degli Alighier.

All good wishes


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jennifer Malden

Sun 31st Oct 2021 09:13

Somehow gather you don't like autumn?!! Hope you feel a little less depressed later on. Here in Italy there is so much more sun, even in winter that the weather rarely gets one down. Beautifully written anyway, really describes how you feel.
Try to think more like Betjemann's Church Mouse!


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