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fingers (Remove filter)

The Last Romantic

I am the last romantic
in the midst of digital chaos,
while love
navigates through algorithms
and bodies
become data
in the vast global network.

I still dream
of handwritten letters,
of the tangible touch
that slips between fingers
on touch screens,
where everything vanishes
with a swipe.

I sing of impossible loves,
in times of liquid loves,
where real encounters
are increasin...

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Sweaty Little Fingers

Sweaty Little Fingers


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive. 


"That's not a fish! It's a tadpole!"


1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a tadpole alive

I loved the little fella and I wanted him to thrive 

but he was too small for me so I made him dive 

back into the water.


1 little frog hopping around. I bend and lift him from the ground. I wrap him up all safe and s...

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Childhood memorieschildhood deathnaturenaivetynursery rhymefrogsfingershands


i keep
a light on
for you
quiet voices
each nodding
of an hour

the night
passes cold
the ache
of my fingers

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For An Afternoon

your fingers
shadowed on the grass
the soft
sound of the leaves
in a pass of breath
as it begins
to rain

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