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In The Pines

Hey Reggie, did you see that, a plane streaking through the sky? Hey Reggie, did you hear that, a cat stalking in an alley way? No way he thought that cat don’t fly. No, the plane silly, the cat is in the alley way. Hey Faye, sing another one, the one about the skinny man lost in the desert sand. “Higgins L’Amour” I believe it’s called. Such a wonderful tune. The line, “The sun strikes thirty”, ge...

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Feline Grace

in the bathroom is an old jar of vaseline

on seeing it my cat heads for the doors

but really what else can I look forward to

now the virus has curtailed my amours?


when much younger I was an altar boy

serving old father macdonagh at the altar

did he ever give in to wayward thoughts?

did those vows of celibacy never falter?


the convent was replete with pious old nu...

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