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In The Pines

Hey Reggie, did you see that, a plane streaking through the sky? Hey Reggie, did you hear that, a cat stalking in an alley way? No way he thought that cat don’t fly. No, the plane silly, the cat is in the alley way. Hey Faye, sing another one, the one about the skinny man lost in the desert sand. “Higgins L’Amour” I believe it’s called. Such a wonderful tune. The line, “The sun strikes thirty”, gets me every time. Such great rhymes as well. Hard to tell who really gets it. The fans sway in slow mo. Later they dance and dance and scream out for more. Reggie couldn’t see it though, he didn’t quite get it. Is he too old, too bold? He was never quite sold. He told his lady he might give it a go. She chuckled and whispered good luck. Now he’s stuck in the prison of circular thought, images of brown grass swaying in the breeze. He couldn’t get passed it, he couldn’t sass it away. He flipped off the moon and began to bay like a stuck horse on the line. In the pines? …in the pines where the sun don’t ever shine. I would shiver the whole night through…



◄ Keepin it Real

Joey Bly..., where are thee now? ►


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