The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Grey winter chills me, stops me, binds me

Like ice sliding into my body..freezing my soul

Thoughts frozen can’t move me  

Lifeless limbs burning with cold

A stillness that isn’t calm 

A coldness that does me harm

Restricts my life’s horizon

Only my heart with the heat to fire my mind

A heart still beating for you 

A never dying ember of love

Let’s live where the sun a...

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Things I can't do

Forgotten how to smile

forgotten how to react

how to engage


Its insidious

Its life...

Why is it life?

It’s not life

Its how I choose to live



Learn to smile again

I smiled in Spain

even when I was in so much pain

It needn’t be so far removed from day to day life


Remember that.


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Organic Brain Syndrome.

I don't like my brain today.
It's bringing me down,
In more than one way.
It doesn't really matter
What anyone will say.

I really don't know why,
I always feel this way.
When it starts to get cold,
And the sky turns grey.

I don't want to be here today.
I tell my co-worker,
As he slowly walks away.
He agrees with me,
But knows not what I say

Please beg me to stay.
I need to fee...

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Brainnot okaydowngreydepressed


Hello and welcome to my new poetry blog, some of you who know me may be surprised by my writing and those who don't know me at all I hope you enjoy it.

Quite an old one this but as this is my first entry I thought I would start as I mean to go on.




As the grey old man slips his niche

He discovers the heavenly pleasures of the world

Also he finds that dogs on ...

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The grey leaden sky covers the land casting a shadow over this sombre place.

Shadows leap from every tree and boulder until they seem to dance

everywhere you look.

Trees stand in stark silhouette against the sky, the wind makes them sway

and creek like skeletal limbs askew.

This is the gothic night of the beautiful colour of grey.


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