world war (Remove filter)
Is it because we live in a nuclear family
That we can conscience this nuclear world
As if somehow all those other people
are less significant
being them.
What if I did not know my mother or father
Did not know my aunt or uncle
What if they could be any one of the billions and billions
of people anywhere in this world
And maybe my ancestors have returned again
In Burma or Sudan or Ne...
Wednesday 17th March 2021 8:37 am
Battle of the Bulge
Belgium was beastly cold in December of ’44.
Deep snow covered frozen ground as
shattered forests crackled and groaned
under the weight of ice.
We barely felt our feet,
even when we tried to warm them.
Frostbite was a constant threat.
The air was still; there was no wind.
Dense clouds covered the sky
and snowfall lent a misty haze
like falling fog.
We hoped for a quick end t...
Wednesday 25th March 2020 5:05 pm
Why I went back
Why I went back
A posthumous poem in the voice of Walter Tull – 28.04.1888 to 25.03.1918
Until you’ve been under fire
hunkered down in some funk hole
you’ll never know terror, the horror
or the damage to the soul
that just one barrage can do,
before you ever hear the whistle’s blast
that, sadly it’s true
for all too many,
signals this’ll be your last.
Friday 17th January 2020 6:44 am
World War
Remember remember,
the eleventh of November.
Where all the soldiers had a hard fall
and poppies stood tall.
Sacrifices were made
and soldiers began to fade.
Families were all unhappy,
whilst they cried tearfully.
Remember remember,
the eleventh of November.
Sunday 10th November 2019 1:35 pm
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