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A Time of Change

It is my belief, we have entered a time of change. This is our chance to come together instead of pushing and pulling each other apart. A time for us to act out of Love instead of Fear. Find something to be for, just let go of the things you are against. The past is gone, we can do nothing about it. The Future is open before us, to create our lives, our World, however we wa...

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World of all souls mistletoe rose
Christmas tree healing

Joyful emotions
For giving the heart is key
To the wealth of health

Colds can be deadly
If we lack immunity
We are all fragile

Viruses present
Unwanted gifts at Christmas
To all believers

And of none but we
Shall remember those who died
In hospital wards

Last gasp for the world
Can our patient...

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Where beauty lies??

I see them daily,

The trees...

Smoothly waving their giant arms at the passers by.

Shedding off what's wilted,

Waiting for the spring to stop by.

I observe them everyday,

The birds...

All flocked and frisky.

Soaring up high,

Never dwelling in envy.

I see them, the stars...

Who never seem wry.

Happy with their brilliance,

Lighting up the sky.

I see them dai...

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nature poetrybeautyskyflowerslovepeaceIntrospectionfraternity

Don't Forget


The unknown soldier beckons


Don't forget, don't forget


The lost, who somewhere lie


Don't forget, don't forget


The grieving family ties


Don't forget, don't forget


The defeated & the broken


Don't forget, don't forget


with mental scars unspoken


Don't forget, don't forget


The veteran in the street


Don't forget...

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Red Granite

Red Granite

Listen closely and hear

To know what the dawn needs


Tired eyes and a drifting thought

You must be astronaut sat upon God’s knees


Closer to hear

What the colors of dawn needs


Poppyseed fields at the foot of a valley

The crimson of God’s teeth

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family poemlove poetrynature Autumnwintergodlovepeacereligion




Dusky Sunshine kissing mountain's meadow,

Like a Mother adoring her baby's enchanted glow...


Chirping birds flying as a tidal wave,

Pondering to whom shall we care...


Serene shadows of ever grateful trees,

Imposing us to find our Inner Peace


Being loved is a blessed boon,

A Hope of finding love is the race- half won...



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Journeylifelighthopecherishmomentsunshinepeacepeace of mindreal lifejourney of lifelife's journey

To The Man Up the Hill

A heart full of hurt, wanting to unleash pain 

A heart not strong enough to endure all

But I find solace in our times together

I give that which I can't get, I have what I can't give,

Our moments gives me nothing but peace

Did you regret it?

A knowable answer 

Was it worth it?

A question never asked

But I find hope in my love.

I know nothing will change


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I'm A Believer

Death is the end of all things
Death is the end of pain and blame and shame,
of sun, of rain, of work, of play
Death is the end of night and day
It brings each one of us, the same,
to the end of everything.

I say Death is the end of all things
So we need to know that's where we go
Whether we want to, yea or no,
It is what existence always shows
No matter what else life may bring,

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meditationpath of lifedeathbeliefpeaceexistence


We are at peace
when we stop wanting
We are happy
when we accept ourselves

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought we should be trying
to achieve anything else.

No doubt
there are many people hurting
And we hear about
many people getting hurt

Maybe we went wrong
when we thought life had a purpose
to struggle for.

Or is it life
can't contain true peace and happiness
Or not unles...

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meditationinner peacehappinessself-acceptancepurposepeace


Freedom screams on the back of my words

demanding more than just a numb text...


A nation succumbs decapitated during years;

suffocated by discouragement piled on their path,

mocked for their sorrows, sufferings

and the blood they shed


The perverse, without mercy,

brandish a sharp iron,

ceaselessly striking the cheeks of the innocent...

tearing souls apart,


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Everything Is Okay

Sleepless night, cold thoughts, 
with the hidden warm spots. 

Novel plans, scared mind, 
with the tight positive bind.

 Large world, little we, 
with the strong belief tree.
Inside us, heart and mind are having terror play, 
Where heart always scored high, With the point
''Everything Is Okay''. 

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short poemshort poetrypeacethe futurePOSITIVE

I Cannot Cling

Today's blog is another in which there are two versions of the same poem. This time we have a short and a long version. If I were to keep only one I would probably keep the long version but since they are meditations I feel like it is OK for there to be two versions of the poem. 


Version 1 – Long


In Death I cannot cling to who I am or was,
I will not know or see or hear or think,

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acceptanceall that I amletting gomeditationpeaceserenity

Nature's Hug


Humming along with the breeze
La la-la-la
Singing a song with the birds in the trees
Oh Oh-Oh-Oh
Floating along with the clouds
Ahh Ah-Ah-Ah
Feeling peaceful now.

Oooo Ooo-Ooo-Ooo
Seeing the beautiful sky
Tra la-la-la
Watching the birds as they fly by

Happiness is as easy as this
Nature’s hug, Nature’s kiss.
All, all of life, as easy as this.

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happinessmeditationnaturepeaceSEND parentsong


White oh so pure rare delight
asking for signs  snow white doves close in flight
Beauty and love serenity and peace
I wish in your life from my heart doves release

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Shine On

Don't ever let anyone convince you 
to not share your soul songs. 

The weaponized words 
they hurl towards you, 
are formed from 
their own insecurities. 

You get one shot, 
in this time and space, 
accompanied by 
crabs in a bucket, 
and a host of other cliches,
determined to control 
your creative mind. 

Give in to dark energy,
and you become it. 

Rise above it. 

By sha...

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Abyssdarknessdepressionlifelightlost soulslovemusicpassionpeacepoetryrelationships

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