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new normal (Remove filter)


OUR NEW NORMAL Life during a pandemic. Already change is challenging for most. If we had a choice or I should rather say, control things would remain the same, people's thinking would never evolve, but we don't have control over anything. Change is inevitable; it is an integral part of being human. Going about our lives blissfully oblivious believing that we are the captains of our destinies, then...

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New normalcovid19survivorrecoverypandemicacceptanceprayerdont lose your humanity

It's The Simple Things

Today we heard from old friends, newly arrived back in town.

We exchanged good wishes, recent news and tales of lock down.


A much welcomed diary date, arrangements made for Sunday.

Lunch and a long walk planned, so for good weather we pray.


This phone call cheered us up no end, coming out of the blue.

For three long months, an empty diary, filled with nothing to do.



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new normalsimple pleasures

New Normal

New Normal


We hang around like statues

At McDonalds and Ikea

We wait in line for haircuts

Or to grab a pint of beer

We stand apart together

Following the six foot rule

We can gather for a shopping trip

But not to go to school


We spy upon our neighbours

And complain at barbeques

We daren’t go too far from the house

Because of lack of loos

We wear a m...

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changecovid-19day10(71)lockdownnapowrimo2017new normal

The New Normal

Help control the virus on our decent down the peak

Stay alert, the new normal, the keywords of the week


Anticipation grew around the map of our pathway out

confusing news filled us all with disappointing doubt


To mask or not to mask? now there lies a question

still debatable if they provide any medical protection


Return to work when able, keeping a two metre distan...

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new normalcovid19lockdownuncertainty

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