The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

care home (Remove filter)

Girls In Care

dust on her heart

cob-webbed her soul

weak eyes a toll of the hearts she stole


is she happy

counting the scalps?

yet mostly she scaled molehills, not Alps


easy meat, she

saw me coming

smile so sweet that chic chatter numbing


beauty's cool but

not forever

her sheen soon broke free of its tether


snug in wrinkles

a crown of wigs

her neck's...

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ageingbitternesscare homedeathenvygirlfriendslovers

Old As Love II

you have to watch it in here

old blokes get up to all sorts

seem to lose inhibitions and

indulge in odd water sports


dicks emerge like clockwork

just like they're past caring

pyjamas are a good excuse

for opening up and sharing


doesn't shock me anymore

hang there minute and limp

yet one or two can still do it

Patrick's a potent old pimp


its massiv...

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care homeolddickspillsvisordad


far end of the graveyard

cant find it for tall weeds

but why did I come here?

thorn pricks, leg bleeds


this grass needs cutting

Billy always was a liar

there's daffodils dead

more blood from a briar


should have put on a coat

hurt me when he strayed

its starting to snow again

not only me he betrayed


trips on a trailing bramble

marble knocks her ...

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straysgraveyardweedsthornbleedssnowmarbleboxescare home

The things that must be done

Encouraged by comments on my latest blog - and reminded that I always intend to post my blogs on WOL and usually get distracted before doing so - I'm repeating a blog from a few weeks ago which I didn't post here. With thanks to those who commented on the last one!


I've been thinking about what happens next. There's been a lot of talk in the press, and shared posts on social media, about t...

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lockdownfamilyfriendsfossil fuelsNHScommuterespectcare home


I've been up a forest of gum trees

Got cornered in many a spot

Up the creek is a formality for me

Some of us simply preferred it hot


Often I  swam far out of my depth

Within an inch of deep water

At times had my back against the wall

Loved much but never had son or daughter


Trouble is the thing I was made for

Dire straits always seemed too tame

I loved facin...

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bad oddscare homecoughmistvirus


She died in a

Care home before the

Pandemic, from

Complications after a broken hip.

She helped see off Hitler but

If granny had lived

Would she have

Seen off the virus?

During the War she worked in munitions

Her factory got bombed, she

Made ammunition for the boys at the


In the care home both her

War-time comrades

Choked to death for want of testing...

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escapepandemiccare homebulletoxygen

Old and Out In the Cold

Annie was eighty and lived in a care home

Someone had wanted her out of the way

Unsung staff were her guardian angels

Love of the job more important than low pay


The home was a sanctuary for Annie

For her age she was mobile and fit

Her life was peaceful and quite secure

Until the day the covid-19 pandemic hit


Matron and her assiduous staff

Worried about Annie a...

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the oldcare homeAnniecovid-19pen-pushersmandarins

Waiting for peace

My heart breaks for those

in care homes

sitting patiently

waiting to die


Sometimes remembering

who you are

sometimes silently crying


You wait with them

day by day


When you look into their eyes

there is nothing there

no fear, no desperation

and above all, no hope


In-between doses of morphine

when the pain makes them scream

they beg to...

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care homeold agedyinglove

By the light of the local Spar

Eyes snapped shut in the street-facing bedroom

lit up by the light of the Spar

that floods it's white plastic windows

illuminating each passing car



In her curled up hands a faded old photo


but the hands,once so gentle,that hold this mementoe,

are as cold,are as granite, as stone


In came Sister with a meagre tea tray

barging in,past...

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care homedeathpensionersold ageillness

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