The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Transcendent Love

Dear Lord, please find me 

somebody to love.  

God replied, no, 

not just one love. 

I give you an ocean 

of eternal love 

found only in faith, 

poetry and music. 

From this special place, 

you will find love 

like you have never known,

from kindred spirits

around the world, 


space and time, 

to give you a glimpse 

of the divine. 



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Whatever We Imagine

There is greater evil in this world,
And greater good, than we ever perceive.
There is far more wrong, and far more right,
Than we ever believe.

There is only ourselves out there,
And whatever we imagine.
There is just our self to turn to,
To retain our balance.

It isn't what we meet in life
But how we choose to meet it.
It isn't what turns out in life
But what we do about it.


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meditationperceptionImaginationbalancepath of lifefaithtrust

Shadow Dancing

In the shadow of sleeping Kings, 

soldiers, and poets, 

comes another battlefield day,

man against man, invisible wars,

hell’s fury unleashed among trees. 

Yet, upon the rocky shore,

angels dance and sing,

reminding us there is something more

than misery.

Beauty glints among broken things. 

Hope is on the horizon. 

So on these solemn days, 

let us find something...

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FaithgratitudeHopeleonard cohenpoetsshadowsThanksgiving


Will you raise your voice for the oppressed

Will you demand Governmental redress

Will you speak on things that truly matter

Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter

Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth

So they can discover the yield of truth

Will you speak up Will you scream

Will you have faith Will you dream

Will you turn up your volume for the silenced


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Willfree willtruthliesyouthfaithdreamGodoppressionbraveryknowledgejusticeGod willing


What is this dark energy

cloaking the universe

threatening to consume me,

wrap me in a weighted blanket

of silent abyss. 

Some days I’m tempted

to dive into the black hole,

see what all the fuss is about, 

but I know if I do, I will take

a generation or two of

fragile minds with me. 

Weakness is not my legacy. 

I have to stay strong,

be my family’s guiding li...

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Faithfamilylovemental healthrelationshipsstrength

My Truth

The saying "speak your truth"
Doesn't apply to me.

My truth is the nail in my hand
It's a crown of thorns, mocking
Everything I believe.

Maybe I won't speak unless spoken to
Like a child. 

My truth is nothing compared to
The universe You created, but 
Somehow you still care.

My truth is being swept up in
Your love for me.

Maybe I will speak my truth. 


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We are as different 

as the sun and moon,

circling the same universe,

with an omnificent God 

you don’t believe in, 

for adventures in love, 

you among the trees, 

me with my muse,

who today, lives in you.

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Here Shines

Here shines

The dream that binds

The hopes

Given to you

That hears a voice

And runs to find

That shadows

Need love



Here sighs

The heart that tries

To look

For something new

Run to and fro

And back again

To find it all

In you


Here waits

The tender kiss


Veiled spirits cry

A whisper

Of a certain truth

That love ...

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After the Pandemic

After the pandemic, 
I hope we remove our masks, 
find more reasons to smile, 
forgive faster, 
have more patience, 
keep the faith, 
help each other however we can. 

Gather more, 
hug more, 
kiss more, 
remember what we're here for, 
live, laugh, love.

I hope you find strength 
to move your mountains, 
courage to carry on, 
seize every opportunity 
to live the After now. 


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The Flame Within

She has a beauty that shines from within 

A light that never grows dim


Her candle goes not out by night

And the radiance inside her, ever bright


When the wind blows,

Her flame - it holds


She thrives, she sparks

She glows, she grows.


An original poem by Faith Olajuyigbe from Words of Faith

For more visit:

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The Phoenix

I’ve weathered storms that I thought would drown me 

I’ve learnt to soar in winds I thought would consume me 


They say 

Out of the ashes must rise a new Phoenix 

The flame…


Being refined by fire

Through it, I’ll rise higher

The flames provide the fuel 

As I soar to my strength


Refined by fire

Gold purified 

A faith that stands.


By Faith Olaju...

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The hard part about all this is that you already found new love

You decided she was better than me that she is enough

The words you said, "to infinity and beyond" we're all a lie and you left me when all I ever wanted was compassion,understanding, and love

But the day you walked out, I learned the truth about life. 

I learned that the only person that could make me strong was God


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Aren't We?

Blessed be the silver spoons
Which feed us till we’re replete.
Blessed be the dream-filled moons
Which oversee us with glee.
Ambitious, aren’t we?
The moons illume 
A thousand seas
And take us to 
Places and people unseen.
Vagabonds, aren’t we? 
We hold the power to love and seduce,
To ensnare and release
These people and places till insanity ensues,
Till blooming roses fuse into debr...

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Two in the Morning

Profound sadness 

clouds my view 

at a quarter til two. 

I don’t understand why 

my muse avoids me like the flu, 

when a simple poem or song will do. 

Wise words to help me understand

why true love passed me by

in this lifetime.

Why wrong choices,

that felt right at the time,

left me alone in this abyss

where my better self

silently bears witness

to my shr...

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Have you given up on me have I given up on you

What is it we really can do as we look like fools

Can't see the future past my own dreams

But can you say your truly free


Don't need no blessed beads.

Don't need no lucky rabbit's feet.


Just need our leader's minds to be free.

Instead of thinking of a destructive ideology 

They have a death wish for...

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Lost Boy (AKA Lost Child and Lost Girl)

Lost boy, find your way home
Reach out your arms
You’re no longer alone
Lost boy, please don’t be scared
There’s a safe place waiting 
You just need to get there

People may judge you
And that is OK
If they have a problem
We can keep them at bay
Thoughts and feelings are normal
Its everyday life
The future is yours
So keep that in sight

Lost boy, why are you afraid
It’s not your ...

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Resistance is futile. 

You will not find rest

as long as I am near, 

whispering in your ear. 


STOP,  right now.

Write now. 


Talk about how 

love echoes 

in the valley of 

lost souls. 


Share your hopes, 

dreams, fears. 


I’m listening, 


ready to bathe you, 

in serenity. 


I am your muse, 

voice of truth, 


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The Price

The price of life,
  is death.

The price of love,
  is forgiveness. 

The price of peace,
  is judgement.

The price of success,
  is failure.

The price of fame 
  is freedom.

The price of freedom,
  is discipline. 

The price of discipline
  is faith.

The price of faith,
  is fear.

Everything has a price.

What is the cost,
of the life you seek?

Are you willing ...

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A magenta sky 
greets my morning sigh.

Another majestic day, 
lost in the minutia of life.

Shoulda, coulda,woulda,
paralyzing dream sabers. 

Distractions abound.

Download another book,
refresh the poet's page.

Escape, behind a waterfall
of tears.

Long nights,
paved years. 

Fandango memories
sustain me. 


Dry your eyes,
face your fears.


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In a world that is broken and full of crime and hate

There are people who still have faith

Faith that can move mountains and make things well

There are people who believe with all their heart that things can heal

They believe that with faith anything and everything is possible

Through pain, death, and brokeness we must always remember to have a little bit of FAITH

Let God take th...

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Tuesday's Prayer

Lord mold me into 
the loving person
you created me to be. 

Help me praise, 
instead of complain.

instead of frown.

Look up, 
instead of down.

Reach out to the lost,
so they can be found. 


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You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup

The Oak Tree

The oak tree

Unwavering and sturdy

Tells us how to be:

Don’t break so easily

In the slightest change of wind


Climbing back through my childhood bedroom window

Landing on shards of broken glass

Crimson oozes slowly

As I pray each stab is its last

So much has shaken me since my first landing

Each step taken cuts deeper than the beginning


Looking back 


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Broken Heart

What do you do when the person that once brought you love brings you nothing but pain.

What do you do when the person you gave your heart too took it and threw it away. 

What do you do when your heart beats so fast it feels like it is coming out of your chest.

And the love you once had starts to change into tears and hate.

And that person that once brought you comfort and made you feel...

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Broken heartsadnessgod loves allfaithhearthealinglove poetry


Hello, can anyone hear me?

Hello, are you still there listening to my cries?

Listening to me as I fall on my knees, feeling so empty as this world falls apart

Hello, God! I need you! We all need you!

Our world slowly falls and we all begin to feel empty wanting human contact, human touch

God silently watches us and our empty lonely hearts

Waiting, quietly, for us all to call his ...

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lightemptybrokenworldhuman touchlovesadnessfaithgodlonely


I enjoy bringing tough guys and gals to their knees.

I can make everyone in my path cry like babies. 

You think you can stop me with drugs or alcohol?

That’s a fool’s game.

It will drive you insane. 

Your candy doesn’t keep me away

anymore than a cross stops suffering. 

The only escape is to free me

from the one place you fear to go. 

I reside deep within your mind.


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beliefsfaithmindsetPainquantum physicsreligion

Loving Me

Your heart beats fast 

You’re love is so strong 

I can hear it like beating drums 

You love me even though I’m broken

You love me even though I’m weak

You’re love is unconditional to me

I fall on my knees crying, yelling , “God why do you love me!”

The voice whispers back to me, “ Because you are beautiful because I made you as a part of me!”

The light shines bright 


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LovefreeunconditionalfaithGodlightBroken hearts

A Poet's Prayer

Lord, thank you 
for this gift 
of expression 
through words. 

Please help me 
bless others 
with the poems 
I share. 

Help me write 
from a place 
of compassion 
rather than ego. 

Let your 
light shine 
through my 
life songs. 

Help me project 
the same 
unconditional love 
you give me. 


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Muses, Sins & Soul Ties

Is it a sin for your muse

to inspire mine,

provide momentary escapes

from loneliness, pain,

the daily grind,

give words to fantasies

of the mind,

connect soul ties.

It’s hard to believe

a God of love

would consider musing 

a crime. 

If it is, that’s not a religion

to which I subscribe.

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What is time

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It is hard having faith

When you feel so much pain

It is hard to obey when you feel so betrayed

It is hard to smile and put on your pretty face

When your whole world has seems to have crumbled

But then that voice comes back to you and says , "Look how far you've come, look how strong you are!"

The voice tells you everything is going to be just fine

You breathe, close your eyes...

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betrayedfaithgodhard worked loveheartbreakhopesimplestrength

Kindred Spirits

How can it be that you 

are on the same 

spiritual path as me...

God exists as 

infinite energy.

We keep coming back 

as various entities 

until we learn

life lessons 

from history.

Love is eternal 

as it should be.

Writing is our way of

understanding everything.

We cross oceans of time 

to find our flame. 

Kindred spirits we are, 

lost and lonely...

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faithkindred spiritlifelovereincarnationsoulmates

How Many Times

How many times

have you been in love?

How many times

have you let your heart

take off the gloves?

How many times

have you thanked

the good Lord above

for sending your soulmate

to be your one true love? 

How many times?

Once is enough.

Twice is nice.

Three times is divine!

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Swim with Me

Swim with me 

in the sea of Galilee, 

where we will drown fear,

loneliness, depression, despair...

then surf the waves  

of forgiveness, 

peace, mercy, grace,

unconditional love,

and joy everlasting...

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Over and over, 
I see your name 
like a tattoo 
on my brain. 

A flame 
that ignites 
not on deed or fame, 
but simply a name. 

A tag, reminding us 
who we are:
dreamer, poet, 
old soul, 

who despite living 
an alternate reality, 
believes in passion, 
love, happily ever after...

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Two Lives

One life is swell, 

the other is a living hell. 

Trying to bridge the great divide, 

but the chasm is too wide. 

Chasing light where darkness resides. 

A grey goose gouges my eyes, 

pecks my mind. 

Naked. Nowhere to hide. 

Cowering to the joker inside. 

Praying God sends his army

to help me make the climb,

out of the abyss to my sober life.

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addictionalcoholicdarkness to lightfaithsober

A Thousand Years of Peace

I used to think it would be an honor 
to usher in a thousand years of peace,
a willing martyr to stop senseless suffering, 
but I had no idea of the atrocities 
that would ensue between men,
or the loss of innocent children 
that we would witness with despair 
and helplessness. 

Come now Lord, end the madness, 
flood evil with love,
make our planet a peaceful place, 
before all hope i...

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