The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Elvis (Remove filter)


He only came 

To rock n roll

But freed a million 

Repressed souls

Salvation found 

In a pelvic thrust 

Releasing dreams

Of untold lust

God & the Devil

Rolled into one

The old generation 

Wanted him gone!

But there he stayed 

For decades long

The rock n roll king

Kept rockin' along!


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The Poetry King

A bow to The Poetry King,
who thinks he doesn't 
mean a thing 
in the grand scheme.

Wears his heart 
on stained sleeve,
makes paupers feel
like royalty.

Waxes poetic about 
life, love, and history
that would otherwise remain 
unsolved mysteries.

More than just a dream,
The Poetry King
lives eternally,
in you and me.

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On Rock Street


It was the smoggy late Fifties and I was a kid

On black and white TV home-made jive lacked soul

Then a second-hand gramophone turned up

Forty fives from the States brought rock and roll


Rock Street was cobbled and motors were few

Novel chords beat the hell out of the fog

Sung by Elvis,Little Richard, Brenda Lee

Rhythm and blues licked alive by a Hound Dog



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rock and rollrhythm and blueselvistransistors

When Fat Elvis was the King

Beatle mop tops when all you need is love

Rolling Stones not satisfied would ever fade away

In fields of wild strawberry forever hallelujahs ring

In the midnight hour how sweet it was to be loved

Oh yes indeed how sweet it was


LSD purple hearts two a Penny lane

Flower power we made love not war


When fat Elvis was the king


Fashion passion Ray

Really got me ...

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I have seen Elvis in my mirror...

I have seen Elvis in my mirror.

Not the blue-black-haired sexy Elvis:

piercing eyes, taut skin reflecting the neon of a setting southern sun,

but the other one.


Fat, pig jowled.

cheeks like slabs of something dead.

Eyes like fish,

surprised to be set in something quite so bloated.

Left in a jar too long.


 My lips hang loose

as if too tired to ...

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