Heartbreak (Remove filter)
I hope this finds you somehow
on a train
or walking to a lecture
or waking up to the sound of the clocktower
I hope somehow it finds you
So I can tell you
without saying a word at all
I miss you like hell
and I love you to pieces
I didn't mean for this to happen
I could call
but I think hearing your voice would still hurt
I could text...
Sunday 24th November 2019 5:26 pm
the things you left
You left me
half-full plant pot ashtrays, old mugs of midnight teas, a jacket you spent too much on, the dregs from cheap red wine, rolled up train tickets, desecrated baggies,
and a dent on your side of the bed.
Tuesday 12th November 2019 11:00 pm
Destiny Bound
You think you can
break my heart
without breaking
your own?
We are one.
Your tears
are my tears.
My tears stream
down your face.
Interwined energy,
we try to escape,
but it keeps pulling us back
to this silent space.
You turn away,
nothing to say,
rue the day.
I laugh through the tears,
because I know we will be
bound again for years,
Our des...
Monday 28th October 2019 1:04 am
Willpower and Discipline
Willpower and discipline,
have long been two of the
most despised words in the
english language to me.
What character flaw prevents
the willpower and discipline
necessary to be the person
I imagine myself capable of being?
A half-lived life is heartbreaking.
There is no acceptable excuse,
not age or disability.
Even people with no limbs
live empowered lives
built on willp...
Saturday 12th October 2019 3:29 am
Love Letter to My Muse
All day long
I think of you.
I can’t wait to get home
to be with you,
to feel your ink drip
between my fingers.
You are my love,
my passion,
my muse.
I know you will
never leave me.
We are bound
by a legacy of words,
that braids our soul.
Our poetry echoes
through time and space,
leaves a soft place
for broken hearts to land.
# # #
...Monday 23rd September 2019 5:40 am
Will you be mind?
My time
Is not mine
But our time
You’ve made your bed in my dreams
I lie in it
this isn’t me
I would part with my skin
If it weren’t attached
And never look back
Each night when I close my eyes for sleep
I see you in my head
Your feet poke out one side of your bed
And oh,
It makes me giddy for you
And so,
I end up crawling in bes...
Thursday 15th August 2019 9:13 am
Thank You
Every song has a river
every boat has a name
every being has a purpose
each purpose is the same
When I said I'd die for you
I was really already dead
those tears cried of sadness
were tears of emptiness instead
When you said you'd write to me
the writing was on the wall
I'm not really waiting
silence on a deaf ear falls
When I said I miss you
...Wednesday 7th August 2019 6:20 am
When I was younger
all I did was hunger
to be in your loving arms
to feel your warm embrace
but all you did was spread me
all over the place
your constant discontent
ate at the layers
the layers of my skin
my tissue was your issue
it wasn’t of your kin
I wasn’t made of your DNA
so you left me malnourished
my flesh would rot
I would beg you
to heal...
Friday 12th July 2019 9:33 am
Words of You
Searching for you
You’re the word
On the tip of my tongue
- tip - tip – tick – tock
You’re the face on my clock
You’re the catch in my breath
Like if I was to cough
Words of you
Would just tumble out
Like if I was to shout
Words of you
Would just rumble out
You’re built into my skull
You’re the clutch over my brain
You’re running through my veins
...Monday 1st July 2019 1:27 pm
Drugs to death
Pills and powders flying around the streets, each dealer adding their own unique twist to create a bigger batch of what they call a treat. A lads night out, a festival gone wrong, it doesn’t take much for you not to be so strong. “I know my limit” they say, but the pill that you pop may lead you astray, all that you’ve worked for, all who you love, gone in a flash over a dodgy bag of drugs. Laying...
Monday 24th June 2019 5:25 pm
A perfect match - strike anywhere.
A perfect love - what happened there?
I walked away without a care,
but turned and tripped on your last stare.
Monday 24th June 2019 11:01 am
The Abyss
I fell.
I fell expecting she would catch me before I sunk into the dark hole of my own wishes and beliefs.
As i fell,
Thoughts and questions ran through my head.
What is love?
It's a feeling of deep affection,
But this love is more of a fatal attraction.
When you love someone more than they will ever love you,
It becomes more like envy and fuel that feeds into your hopes and dreams of ...
Saturday 1st June 2019 1:59 am
Truly Beloved Customer Care
Dear Truly Beloved Customer Care
I have a small problem with one of your wares
I’m not after a new one or a replacement spare
Just wondered if this one is not beyond repair
In Ninety-One you gave me this heart
Which really was awfully sweet
I wasn’t too smart, broke it apart
How I’ve tried to make it complete
Yet now I fear, after 23 years, it appears
I have cocked up it...
Tuesday 19th February 2019 3:56 pm
The Giving
The thought of you brings tears to my eyes
It fills me with anger the type of anger where
the hair on my arms stand at attention.
My mind recalling all the times you put me in my place.
Reminding me I was nothing more than an ego boost for you.
If I gave you my blood, sweat, heart, and my tears
would that be enough for you to love me the way I deserve to be loved?
Then again...
Sunday 17th February 2019 4:54 am
Life After Love
I crave a long talk with you
The kind where we sit in your car at 1 a.m. and tell
eachother about our hopes and dreams
hoping for a better future and begging for a fresh start
I miss the nights where we kicked it in my basement
when you not only played my guitar but my heart
when you told me you were scared of what was coming next
and I told you I believed in you
I lon...
Sunday 17th February 2019 1:00 am
Stupid Cupid
I see you lurking about
making him say
sweet nothings
to lure me out.
This time
I am being smart,
walling off
my broken heart.
Using your
flaming arrows
to paint the sky.
Let the world know
you are really
not a nice guy.
You are a trickster
who makes girls cry
with your stupid lies.
My schooled soul
knows the truth
Romantic love
is an illusion,
Friday 15th February 2019 2:40 am
The hypothesis
I panicked today.
The reality of my mortality hit me.
I believe in reincarnation, this manifestation isn’t the end.
But the finality of my current reality,
stirs a new uneasiness in my soul.
I Panicked today.
How could my soul ever survive
without you by my side,
The custodian of my heart,
in new life torn apart,
incomplete, unable to be one.
Sunday 3rd February 2019 6:59 am
I will be your moon
Let me move to a new place,
Where none knows my name,
And I know they will start judging,
As Everyone is just the same.
But till then ,
Let me find a new love,
New memories to let go my pain,
You can take my hand,
And please ask me to dance in the rain.
I know our love would break,
Just like all other affairs I had,
Some would say I had no brains,
And I am the reason you are sad,
Sunday 27th January 2019 10:52 am
All alone
Today I learnt to cry alone,
Soon I’ll learn to live alone too..
Walking through the grass
Running on the fields
Climbing the mountains
You were always a shield...
Never imagined a life without you,
Neither in dreams we were away,
In laughter in tears I was with you,
I was with you each night each day,
From feeling of hope to thought to love,
Each da...
Saturday 26th January 2019 2:01 pm
Battlegrounds of the Heart
And all at once
We revisted the site
Where the wounded lie
We examined their injuries
Doing our best to determine
If they were fatal
It requires a detached rationale
It laughs in the face of pure emotion
For life is smarter than you think
Forever your opponent
Even when pretending
To be a friend
For life brought me you
Star crossed
And ...
Thursday 17th January 2019 2:40 pm
Forever ago may seem
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.
There is no escape.
It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed
in a concrete kiss.
It's the lyrical
soul connection
that went on months
before our egos
got in the way.
In the forever between
tears and heartbreak,
we managed
to find ourselves
and our destiny, here
on this pag...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:09 pm
Cliff Hanging
I feel my mind slipping,
almost dangling from a cliff.
Obsession and love are different,
Yet similar with a twist.
You left me in the cold,
And so I left you behind.
Although it breaks my heart
this is my time to shine.
To fend for myself,
That was the first lesson,
A scared little girl,
With no direction.
Which way do I turn?
Monday 7th January 2019 4:46 pm
Soul Scars
There you are beaming
at everyone you meet
posting highlights,
keeping it together.
But, I see your soul scars...
loneliness, heartbreak,
disappointment, addiction,
depression, despair...
It's enough to turn
most souls to dust.
But not us.
Diamonds are made from
coal under pressure.
Show your scars,
keep the faith,
and shine on.
Monday 7th January 2019 1:10 am
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