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A triolet

I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart.. 
Knocking  on the vestige of conscience is incessant ..
The euphoria and the magic though they impart.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
One hears the mellifluous notes of the Mozart...
But the fate is sealed from the very start.. 
All those dreams are nothing but effervescent.. 
I am yet to surrender to the ways of heart..
Yes, the...

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My M

Its 2 am and I can't stop thinking about you. 
The way your eyes crinkle,
the way your lips curl into a smile
God that smile showing your teeths,​                  ​​​looking at me and i take you in.

Every dent of your skin, every spot,                            all the twinkles in your eyes, the prettiest nose scrunch,                                                                        ...

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lovefeelingsfirst poemlong distance lovelong distance

Letting go

Let me tell you this 

a secret lies within oneself,

many dare to dismiss.  


Loving one who is broken, 

Creates complication 

And bliss. 


A problem to handle,

That is not ones own. 

A secret to help bury, 

Yet not to hold on ones own. 


The truth is set free,

When their true self is recognized 

By the one who had the power, 

All along on the ...

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LoveheartacheChaos Life Judgement mental healthLetting Go


They trickle  down ebbing the pain of bygone days..
They celebrate joyous times fervidly
Silent spectators, intensely flowing with craze.. 
They best know my soul and captures it so vividly ..

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She being an uncertain insane

How beautiful everything seems, even all happen contrary

Don't get the idea whether it's a dream, reality or a story 

Neither she feel regret nor any worry, 

It's a kind of feeling which has made her heart awry. 



Continuously only for that face her eyes seeks. 

All the time you can see her those  blushing cheeks 

Fot her, one day without him passes like a week

She wa...

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Show Me Your Teeth

I wish your body was mine.

I long for our souls to be tangled.

All I crave is connection.

All I seek is approval.

Our savagery is forever,

The killing of time itself.

All I can afford is hope,

But that’ll never be enough.

Take me away from the light

And show me your teeth.

I’ll always be weak to your desires.

So take out your frustrations on me

And leave this pi...

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I’m Out of Dreams

I can see your eyes when I close mine.

I can feel your panic when you see my lips move.

I don’t want this. Please.

I’ll push everything into a corner, where it’ll stay, and it’ll only be graced by a glance.

I’m going to push you away.

Expect it.

Crave it.

Let it nourish every fucking negative idea you’ve every had of me.









I have nothin...

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As libations enter my heart,

I feel nothing but cold dark space.

When I think of where we are now,

All I see is a tenantless void.

The only thing I crave is a thought;

Just a simple acknowledgement.

All I want is the hope that you’ll give yourself to me.

So prey upon my flesh

And consume it for your pleasure.

All I want is to wander

In this wonderland of hate.

I ne...

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Wild Flowers

In the blue-green meadow

of my silent soul, 

scorpion grass - 

dormant for decades,

now grows wild and free, 

sustaining me, 

spreading love

for the aching world

to behold its beauty.  

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forget-me-notloveNaturepoetry about beautywildflowers

❤☆(◒‿◒)☆❤how was your day ❤☆(◒‿◒)☆❤

How was your day ? Better than mine I hope 

I love you so much it's hard to cope

Wish you where mine, and me yours 

We text in the day till late evening 

She comes home then and its closed doors

I want so much to hold you, for you to be mine

You ask how was my day I say yeh just fine

You say you love me, you know how I feel

I spend my life waiting for a love that's  not rea...

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Reach The Peak of Romance

during our blue night together
cold our body has become embers
I embrace you in exciting love
and we'll fly to the seventh sky

I stroked your soft black hair
touched your cheeks looks pink
our lips never stop kissing then
spread our passion flow pleasure

our fondling is warmly directed
in beautiful and sensitive senses
gasping for breath spurred passion
enjoy our human instincts


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Unforgettable Togetherness

we embrace in the warmth of love
flowing our long-held desires
panting enjoying a kiss
we express sincere passion for longing

at first the doubt felt like a dream
but obviously we have united ourselves
live when fulfilling the will of instinct
time becomes meaningful to two hearts

a little regret why it's only now
we feel like we are out of control
so long we are stuck in a wallow sa...

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Super Snow Moon

Super Snow Moon tell us 

the secrets you keep 

when you orbit earth 

as we sleep.

Tell us it is 

an optical illusion 

adding to our mass confusion.

Tell us of war and peace,

famine and feast.

Tell us please... 

How are we so different 

when it's the same moon we see?

Oh Supermoon, how we hunger for 

your guiding light from above 

to fill us with w...

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That Day Will Come

I pray that I get to see the day. When we all stop the hate. We need true leaders to lead the wayyy. Who's going to step up to the plate? Step up before it's too late. Sometimes I feel like Iam going insane. Feel like iam going to brake my brain cus it's overflowing with pain. Only Love,Unity,Harmony, and Peace; Will relieve the tension that's causing the migraine. The enemy likes to play mind gam...

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One of my favorite games 
to play as a child 
was seeing shapes 
in the clouds: 

Dogs, cats, 
elephants, giraffes, 
airplanes, unicorns... 

It was one of the 
few pleasures 
of my childhood. 

As I grew up, 
I began to see 
scarier things:
Dragons, demons, 
torn hearts,
flaming arrows... 

Now in the archway 
of my golden years, 
I see beauty that 
brings me to tears:


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angelschildhoodcloudsdeathfamilyimaginationJoni Mitchelllifeloveloved onesmusicsingingsky

Introduction to Love

My love for you wells up from


A feeling indescript

A warmth rising from the heart

A rush of oxytocin through the


Immediate and pressing

Without urgency or smothering

Felt from my legs to my


And in every chakra the yoga-doers tell us of

From the crown above my head

To the root they speak of in awkward Puritanical tones

Tones we do not need, m...

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lovelove makingsexsexualityspirituality


If you become 
what you think about 
most of the time... 

I am becoming 
poetry, a lyrical 
fantasy floating 
in rhyme. 

I am becoming 
love and light,

Doing my best
to do what's right.

I am becoming 
and peace. 

Healing souls
like Wayne 
and Louise.  

I am becoming
who God intended
me to be.

Leaving a loving

I am becoming 



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lovelightlegacyhealingsoulsdestinypoetryfantasyrhymeGodfaithforgivenesspeacefreedomWayne DyerLouise Hay

Daydream When Drizzle

I grabbed your greetings that's far
while I daydream when drizzle
as if you were in my arms
inhale wet counting rain

tunable splash of water
decorate our longing that continues to flow
in the will to understand each other
when we have to enjoy distance

sometimes there is anxiety passing
when a sense of desire has a strong presence
but realize love trusts each other
tie our hearts to...

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Poem from One of Our New Collections

Less Than a Second

Less than a second

is the time it takes to fall in love.

             That summer night

             you walked out of the bright house

             on to the dark deck

             ready for the next day's wedding,

             already celebrating every damn thing

             anyone could think of,

             laughter floating out of your pores


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Stupid Cupid

I see you lurking about
making him say 
sweet nothings
to lure me out.

This time 
I am being smart,
walling off 
my broken heart.

Using your 
flaming arrows
to paint the sky.

Let the world know
you are really 
not a nice guy.

You are a trickster
who makes girls cry
with your stupid lies.

My schooled soul 
knows the truth

Romantic love
is an illusion,

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cupidheartbreakkindnesslovelove poemspassionpatiencerelationshipsromanceValentine's Day

Echoes of Life

What are the chances 

of two lost souls 

light-years apart

colliding twice in life?

Astronomical. Yes!

The dance is sweeter, 

with ego out of the way. 

All that remains is love

purified by the same rock-bottom

pressure that turns grains of sand into

pearls, coal into diamonds. 

Not lustful love, agape. 

Godly, unconditional love for humanity. 

Forgiving. Acce...

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agapedestinyfateforgivenessgodlifetimelost soulslovenamastepeaceself-lovetwin flames


It seems not to know when to end
Words that proceeds are incomparable
What I await in the end is my morte
Death is what no one wishes for
There is no one who wants life to end
The only one who seems distrained
I am displeased by my society
It transcends anguish in my soul
But cessation I await with a smile
All my wears and tears on earth remains
No one to help me estimate my worth
I am ...

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lovedeathA cynical moment in time. Sometimes I don't get itwriting dark poetry

What Love Is.

Love is a fire,
Causes desire,
Willing to care,
Wishes to share,
Needs a touch,
Kiss you so much.
Love can open any gates,
It can conquer any states.

Love is always young,
Beautiful songs are still unsung.
Love is our choice,
It has its own voice.
Sometimes love hurts,
Sometimes joy reverts
Loves are the best things,
It happiness brings.
It’s impossible to forget,
True love you’...

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Either to swear, or not
The lies are a bad spot 
Thanks, but thanks a lot 
For your unfaithful effort 

Isabella, remember, again 
That love has fall in a drain 
Not only nothing to gain 
But also broke the brain 

You believe all what you say 
As a role of a daily play 
Surely, will see some day 
How much of love you deny 

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swearliesbadspot  ThanksunfaithfuleffortIsabellarememberlovefalldrainnothinggainbrokebrainbelievewhatsayroledailyplaySurelyseedaydeny 

Blend The Heart of Instinct

I want to erase that anxiety
when I look into your eyes
never mind
forget that past
let the pain pass
face now passionately happy

I want to spoil you
enjoy the days
become more meaningful
by loving each other
understand each other
fill in the rest of our age
in mutual protection

let's face the one in front
we embrace live now sharing
grief that will always be there
make it a gi...

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Lovely Early Morning

In the cold early morning I greet you, when the old city began to become quiet. You look tired but implied happy. I hold you in our real happiness

I kiss your forehead gently with love, you kiss my fingers warmly. There are not many words spoken but through gazing. Miss us revealed in real attitude.

I took you in the remaining air of rain. Sincere feels more real in together. Not only in the...

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About Our Feelings

befriend the poet I send words
daydream about you always sparkles
with your sweet smile present
our romance is increasingly engraved

always remember our promises united
whatever happens no matter the obstacle
realize our relationship is not easy
but don't have to give up

nothing wrong with our feelings
everything flows happily
we live the day sincerely
fulfill the will of human inst...

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Sad Eyes

Are you sure you want to know 
the story behind my sad eyes? 

Can you handle truth 
buried in lies?  

Abused, abandoned, 
left for dead. 

Still, I raise my 
weary head.

Hoping against all odds 
for love and a warm bed.

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Beauty Song


Don't wear contact lenses 
Your eyes are my Ocean
Let me feel your lovely senses 
And see you my Queen. 

Don't use makeup material
Just be same as you are
Rosy cheeks are really natural 
looks for me as star.

Don't cut your shiny hair 
I love it to become so long 
Set free your hair to air 
And let me enjoy the song.

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Embrace Your Sincere Love

the thick morning mist shivered around itself
never made my heart cold for sure
because my whole heart has warmed up
I embrace your sincere love full of protection

dew drops at the end of the green leaf blade
refresh the orange mixture, our hearts glow
our desire to grow up is as impressive as possible
get rid of worrying about coming to dry season

black and white butterfly perched on ...

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My Longing's in Your Dreams

something was lost on my night this time
joke and greet you warmly every time
but what happened I understood
indeed you better fall asleep in a dream

hug me in your beautiful sleep
the night pass in serenity combined
together to realize longing for dreams first
the real thing is we will meet soon

don't wake up
when you spill desire
let all caress full of warmth
achieve happiness

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I'm awake 

I'm white

Bright white


Freedom flowing
And I feel me
Conscious free
I fly
To the sky
To the stars
Pure good
Comes to meet
Flowing and free
The other light
Touches me
Warms me
And I feel
In my energy
“What took you so long dad”?
I feel a smile
And energy combined
In warm
Pure love
We floated free
To g...

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Soul Mates & Muses

You found your 

soul mate?

I’m genuinely 

happy for you!


and unicorns 

are more common 

than soulmates. 

Please, do the lost 

and lonely among us 

a favor of great 


Make her 

your muse

so we can 

feel love too.

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What a welcome relief

your tender words are

to my weathered soul. 


I get so busy in life

tending to other’s needs

that I often neglect my own. 


But when I come to the

oasis of serenity and

see a good heart reflected,


my faith in love is restored.

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faithloveOasisserenitysoultwin flame

My Son

The cool clear beauty

that is your face to me.

The seeing of you 

that made me feel free.


Your calm and kind smile

gentleness by the mile.

The strength of your mind

That made you so kind.


Your flyaway words

soaring like birds.

Swooping and gliding

wisdom abiding.


Your generosity of spirit

your kindness of soul.

Your limitless friendship


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The Old Field Gate

I rejoice to see that old wood five-bar gate

that still stands guard beneath the ancient beech

to a field sloping gently down the hill.


The gate from an old farm track - now lost to time -

has seen so many seasons, so many harvests pass

and must have known an age of scythes and stooks

of horse drawn harrows, ploughs and wooden carts.


What could it tell of the village...

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Love Seed


To win my heart, cross my roads 

To get my love, you knock my doors 

Let's to start, to earn cruise 

To build a nest within love rose 


Adore you much, looking forward 

To keep in touch, even one word 

Eager to fly, to reach sward 

Where your face, shines on board 


You're the star, you're my sun 

You're in heart, the only one 

Grow love seed, before ge...

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Lost in time

and then again I sailed in sorrow
a thousand times i'll do it again
in hopes that i'll find you tomorrow
in hopes that i'll see you again.

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Romantic Love Fantasy

lulled by the singing of rain, I grabbed your sap
friendly tasting late at night drifting homesick
I enjoyed a long range of distance and time
to unite your heart wash each other wistfully

romantic fantasies come to my night and night
in silence nuances shade myself and yours
I want to present a touch of warm caressing you
remove fret that blocks your beauty

various crises sway your da...

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Against Wind


Make it easy. Do it simple.

Just pray for God, to bless.

Love colleagues, & friends.
Surely, you gain a higher success,

Do it now, don't delay it.

Do it again, day by day.

Get that job, reach the top.

Not impossible, just try.

Do advise, every friend.

Shiny future, comes at end.

Do your best. Now, get rid.

Of any weakness, at any wind.

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Cha-Chi Legacy

I inhale the tears 
welling up in my eyes.
Feeling like I don't have 
the right to cry for 

letting so much time go by
without saying hi,
how are you doing, 
what's new in your life?

I "kept in touch" 
watching your 
on social media, 

after a 

providing water 
and food for 
people who didn't 
know your name.

I was proud of you,

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connectiondeathfamilyhomelesslegacylifelovesocial mediatimevolunteer






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Two waves in the sea 
Two branches of the tree 
Two wings of the bee 
These are you and me 
In everywhere I go 
I keep your love to grow 
All over my heart's show 
Your eyelashes and brow   

Certainly, I can see 
One heart not a three 
Follow me, or feel free 
I got your heart's Key

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The hypothesis

I panicked today. 

The reality of my mortality hit me. 

I believe in reincarnation, this manifestation isn’t the end. 

But the finality of my current reality, 

stirs a new uneasiness in my soul. 


I Panicked today. 

How could my soul ever survive 

without you by my side, 

The custodian of my heart, 

in new life torn apart, 

incomplete, unable to be one. 



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Practical Woman



“To do or not to do”, her daily instruction 
I should always obey, to avoid reaction 
She believes I'll remain in a weak construction 
Wants to be retained in her falling section 


Eyes, ears and tongue, three sources to act 
Depending on brain, to judge it in the heart 
She is herself leader, no love in her chart 
“Practical in reality”, She said. This is a fact 



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Dancing with Addiction

How do you help
loved ones that
insist on 
tap dancing
with the demon 
of addiction?

I want to scold
them like a child
for their own good,

but I know it 
would fall
on deaf ears.

I want to hold them
tight, tell them
everything will
be alright, but
they aren't buying 
that lie.

Is my only option
to waltz around 
my candy-coated world 
and watch them


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|           Love is deep as the road is long.

With every breath I live the day do what I can, this is where it begins.

Nobody knows how the story ends.

 Moments pass like moving cars on the freeway all trying to get back home.

Look back not to the darkness threw the door. We set out so long ago.

 Move my feet to carry on but it beats my heart when you are gone.

Freedom once grace...

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I thought....

I swear I miss u 
I even wrote a Boone about u 
In 2016 I was willing to die bout u 
It was a high even when I lye next to u 
I swear I would lie for u 
Babygirl yo love was strong 
I knew you’ll die for me 
I’m depressed ,I’m back drinking 
I know you probably like 
“Wtf is he thinking” 
But when I’m drunk i just be pacing 
When I’m high I be contemplating 
I wish the love would’ve la...

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