The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

evening (Remove filter)

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The Beauty of EVENING !

Ujjal Mandal, India

The Beauty of EVENING! 

The earth is ready to sleep 
But the cloak of beautiful 
Evening wakes the glowworms up;
They come out from the bush
Holding thousand lights 
To enlighten 
The dark earth.

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Putting Out the Lamp

Putting Out the Lamp


In the dusk of early evening one day

I awakened from a belated nap,

And came to find nobody back home yet,

Only the wall lamp flickering away.


I, the child, quickly getting quailed,

Started running away from the dark haunted place,

But soon stopped for looking backward

For some reasons I couldn't quite grasp.


Probably it was the left-a...

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In evening light at still of day

Shadows are sweeping time away.

A man through his window sees it all,

The fading blue, the shadow fall.

At the upper edge of vision

Perfect pearl, divine precision.

As hidden jewel in tapestry,

Shines the orb through the trees.

Two thirds round, white edged, sharp and clean.

The last third blurs into the unseen.

Precise imper...

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Evening Light

An almost mystic silence

descends on the lambent, lamb bent,

lamb bobbing fields


as the West sinking sun

leaves an early evening light,

the day has almost passed:

the bright pale green of the new larch buds

the rusty pink brown of the budding almond

the gold of a burgeoning dog wood

are set against

the solid darkness of a solitary fir tree

the soft clouds in a...

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eveningdusktwilightsunsetlightlambsfarmsWalesCeredigionCambrian Mountains

There was nothing much to do…

One was sitting on a bench,

Some was saying words in French,

One was looking at the street,

Tom was shaking his long feet,

John was singing a nice song

Dear Boris struck the gong.

When the evening slowly drew

 There was nothing much to do.

Meg was sitting on a fence,

Bob was showing new pence,

When the boy who was so fat said,

Just like that: I have a nail in my po...

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Words About To Break

Why don't you kill me
By the speed of light
And forget those times
When evenings vanished
On our wet heads
And when we together
Sighed so much that
We were prone to break

Let me hold you
In my endless arms
Where I will lose you
In the depth of Love
And I will find you
Again in the dreams
The dreams those
Crave for my sleep
In my sleepless nights

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eveningmirza sharafatkashmirsleeplessnightsdreamslove

Dance Dance

Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

To the worlds glorious rise

To her chant, her breath, her freedom

Her nurturing boundaries

Such nectar,


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes up

In the evening I shall rest

Rest inside her sweet surrender

Contented to my soil rich roots

For the world has been my playground


Dance Dance

I may when the sun comes u...

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