teen years (Remove filter)
For you I will do my best
Slowly you disappear into the past,
yet you are buried in my thoughts which I'm forcing to last.
Everything that you do,
finds a way to touch my heart,
and every word you say,
shows the beauty of your art.
Your bleached white hair,
perfect smile,
cute little nose,
an honest representation of your soul.
You say you want to give up,
but you don't have to go.
You're not alone, nor will yo...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 7:55 pm
Who Cares?
(spoken wordy angsty teenagery type poem; a work in progress)
I just need a friend
someone to turn to,
but what's the point in a friend if that friend isn't you?
Yiu see, i've got my demons
but you've got yours too.
You've got problems with the scale and you hair smells stale from all the cigarettes you smoke to curb the cravings
anf your stomach growls, begs, pleads.
But no amount of ...
Friday 16th December 2016 7:53 pm
Old Skool
Old Skool
We went to your old school,
in an area where crime is rife and drug dealers think they rule the streets.
What do you think when you see your old school?
Are your memories good or bad?
Were you bullied like me? Or have lots of friends?
Do you want to go back in time and spend a day in your school,
in your favourite lesson?
If so, what lesson?
Tuesday 25th September 2012 7:51 pm
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