The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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gravity (Remove filter)

Lust or Gravity?

I thought gravity is the real gangster,
It's nothing Until I met you.

I fall to pieces when I'm with you,
Where I Cut into pieces.

Pieces to Crumble.

Crumble to melt.

Melt to garpes all of your shades.

Shades to chew your emotions.

Emotions are danger and glamorous that it can open all your needs.

needs are so dark, darker than your black lipstick.

And your lipsticks are ...

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gravityLustlust to lovepoetryher


Elites benefit from a spiral stair-case

A ladder is the usual means of ascent

Rungs that facilitate a measured climb

Or on the other hand a quick descent


Life's rope ladder has many rungs

We dont enjoy a rung of our own

But share one briefly with our rivals

Each rung on the ladder is on loan


You can easily get knocked off a rung

Or turn your rung into a terribl...

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Ruler of fluids

Moon, silent ruler. 
Everything is drawn to you. 
Everything tells me
I belong to you. 
This piece of a stone, 
A small ball. 
But gravity pulls you
And you pull me
With magnetic ribbons.
Tonight my body is yours, 
Silver master
Of shadows and light. 

©️ By Magical whispers 

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Moonfluidsfull moongravitypullwomen

The Man That Gravity Forgot.

I still think about you a lot
But in the most selfish way
Wishing I could float my way to heaven
And find the words to say

Are you scared
Are you alone?
Are you happy
Is it home?

I'm scared to move on
I'm alone inside my head
I'm happy when I think of you
Your home is here instead

I wish I could trade you places
But I know that's wished a lot
At the very least can I be
The man...

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Gravity Waves

It’s so nice to receive your greeting,

From so far away,

I’ve often felt you tickle,

As Earth and Moon do play.


But I suppose cus you’re mostly constant,

And tugging at my feet,

It’s easy to ignore you,

And not feel your heavy beat.


You make such a big impression,

Fine grains in vast clouds you entrap,

And enormous globes entwine and swirl,

At your magic ...

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