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rue regret (Remove filter)


As much try shaking off

 odd feeling can’t avoid


On face seems normalcy

  deep within I’m paranoid


All evident brave fronts

and donned blasé guise


Reflect chinks in armor

of societal compromise


Frayed old compulsions

often daunt and afflict


Daubed in hues darker

sane rationality restrict


Old emotional stockpile

intrinsically stay...

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rue regretsadnessreflections

Bespoke Monotony


Jaded lasting tedium

beset with gloomy cape


More I try ridding off

seems stuck at nape


Tattered and misshapen

the vilely kind of garb


Root cause for despair

inviting many a barb


Donned inadvertently

as cover up sort drape


From all harsh realities

 when I sought escape


Ever since it stayed on

not even once removed



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Despairlosspoignancyreflectionremorserue regret

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