poetry (Remove filter)
When I don’t call
It doesn’t mean
That you’re not there
In my thoughts
When I don’t write
It doesn’t mean
I have no words
In my heart
When I don’t answer
It doesn’t mean
You have no place
In my soul
When I keep silent
It doesn’t mean
I have nothing
To impart
When I don’t pra...
Thursday 13th December 2012 11:19 pm
I wasn't dead,
just never alive
Turner Prize
gold medal
all for a dive.
A dyspraxic in a speedboat
as I struggled to swim
in shark infested waters
but I won't let them win.
The rewards of success
for creating a mess
an unmade bed
for an economy's left.
People can study
and some even praise
others are starstruck
...Wednesday 12th December 2012 3:02 am
Every new dawn
Every new dawn brought you
a glass of sea in a knot
of salt, which squeezed
your breath while you sang
to make the unbridled fear
fall asleep in a whisper.
And we know the distance
bled on that shore of hardships
by your trembling steps.
When the bread was crumbled
into nothing by the fangs
of war, which eat and kill
at the same time.
But in the secret shelter
of th...
Saturday 1st December 2012 5:22 pm
The Soul of an Artist
The soul of an artist,
famine or harvest.
An exercise in extremity,
symmetric serenity.
Raw yet crafted
a tool made from bone
fleshed out by interpreting existence.
The soul of an artist,
famine or harvest.
An exercise in extremity,
symmetric serenity.
A fusion of real and surreal
a soulful symbiote
intertwined with their v...
Monday 19th November 2012 5:25 pm
Pop Up Poetry Jamming for Oxfam
Pop Up Poetry at the Bar des Arts in Guildford in October succeeded in raising £70 for Oxfam through voluntary donations at what is normally a free night of poetry, songs and spoken word. We had a great time, with the Leano, Cathy Flower and Steve Pottinger adding their magic to a line up of fantastic open mic contributors, including some new faces whom we're looking forward to inviting back as...
Friday 9th November 2012 10:06 am
Current Promotions
We’re pleased to announce the following promotions for our 24th September OpenMind event at Fuel Cafe Bar.
*All who share the event page for OpenMind...
Thursday 13th September 2012 3:59 pm
Review - The Complete Verse of Noel Coward (Diaries, Letters and Essays) by Noël Coward & Barry Day (Methuen Drama)
Noel Cowards' lyrics from his musicals are well known in the English speaking world and his phrases are now part of everyday English speech. Barry Day has collected here the definitive edition of Coward's verse including all the work in the three-volumes published in Coward's lifetime plus rare & previously unpublished material Coward sent to family and friends. 'Deidre' by his poet...
Tuesday 4th September 2012 8:13 pm
I want to kiss you at midnight - Sir Benjamin character piece
I want to kiss you at midnight,
feel the wibbly-wobbly ripples of time.
I want to kiss you at midnight
staring deep into your eyes.
Though it may take time,
time is of t...
Sunday 2nd September 2012 12:39 pm
OpenMind website updates
We're proud to announce that our website has undergone renovations.
Please take a look at the new affiliated artist pages and the OpenMind Collective page.
Friday 31st August 2012 12:07 am
OpenMind: Slamming September Poster
Take a look at the poster for our OpenMind: Slamming September event at Fuel on Monday 24th September.
Sunday 26th August 2012 8:34 pm
OpenMind: Slamming September
OpenMind: Slamming September:
Following on from our highly attended and jam packed 2 year birthday show OpenMind are back at Fuel on Monday 24th September for OpenMind: Slamming September, our first ever multi-genre OpenSpace slam event. This event will be presided over by GrIm who's taking his first ever crack at presenting an event, so be sure to give him your love, energy and full ...
Thursday 16th August 2012 5:03 pm
The Hitting Game
On the island’s south side
a solitary town fizzes
like overloaded circuitry
on dark, motherboard hills.
Across a sticky, smooth-tiled walkway
an amusement arcade spills
a test of sexiness based on how clammy your palm is
and the hitting game.
You spin in coins so they register
on sensors worn numb.
A padded stump protuberates.
The s...
Sunday 29th July 2012 4:35 pm
You Can’t Get Tits on a Kindle – an ode to Generation OMG
You can't get tits on a kindle,
so put that Amazon one down.
Your materialistic bullshit
truly does make me frown.
I got by on handmedown clothes,
chick sticks and Aldi own brand.
You really look silly with that massive phone kid,
it's bigger than your hand.
To me COD was a special chippy tea
on a Wednesday night, granddad got it for me.
Sunday 8th July 2012 11:15 pm
Took Ten Steps
This is a poem that was written by an old friend of mine called Paul Nunn who I have a long music association with. He heard some of my performance poetry and asked if I would record this one. It is my pleasure to have done so.
Tuesday 26th June 2012 7:01 pm
OpenMind 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Special
OpenMind return to Fuel Bar to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, exactly 2 years since the first ever OpenMind event at Earth Cafe.
To celebrate our 2nd anniversary we've created a few elements that pay homage to this number. Entry will be £2, we've got 2 headliners, 2 guests per genre, and raffle tickets will be 2 for the price of 1.
As always we'll begin the evening with the most...
Tuesday 26th June 2012 6:57 pm
OpenMind 2nd Anniversary/Birthday Special
OpenMind return to Fuel Bar to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, exactly 2 years since the first ever OpenMind event at Earth Cafe.
To celebrate our 2nd anniversary we've created a few elements that pay homage to this number. Entry will be £2, we've got 2 headliners, 2 guests per genre, and raffle tickets will be 2 for the price of 1.
As always we'll begin the evening with the most...
Tuesday 26th June 2012 6:53 pm
(A work in progress & in constant evolution...)
What would say William Blake if he saw this world post-revolution?
What would he say if he had been witness of the greatest cataclysm of
human heart?
What would he think about universalization when his gaze turned to
New America?
Can its spirit be dumb?
He wrote an answer in the form of a lullaby.
Tuesday 19th June 2012 7:37 am
yellow about the land
Odorous under the towers
confounded misty teeth beyond the rain
the sin continues
quaking before the trees
you stroke dank vapors under the flowers
I reach insanity yellow about the land
as we dream of evil over the virgin
crazy, passionate, open-eyed, hungry
over the horizon
something missing
out of dreams
a stranger
takes comfort
he knew no-one
yellow about the lan...
Thursday 7th June 2012 11:32 am
Breathe in the Dust
I have my own little piece of the world.
Sure, it has its problems, but nothin’ too much.
It has its pleasures and there’s more than enough.
And I’ll share them with you; I will share them with you.
So, put down that rifle, and put down that gun.
Let’s take back those words that hatred begun.
Let’s tear down those icons that make us ignore
The cries of our own, the cries of our ...
Wednesday 6th June 2012 2:45 pm
On the dispersal of water
It’s 1:30 am.
He takes me away from the others unpacking,
opens the front door to the first night
in our first home and squirts WD-40
over both hinges, explains
WD is water dispersal,
NASA concocted this stuff
to keep fields of rockets
from turning orange, then burnt umber.
He heard this on his pocket radio
cycling along blustery North London roads
...Tuesday 5th June 2012 8:54 pm
None of the class could put their uniform
on in under a minute, fit their gas masks
and speak in a BBC accent. Two ran off
to explore World War Two but got lost
in the Blitz. Boys cooed at machine gun
nests and gagged at the taste of canned beef,
mistaking it for mustard gas. Everyone
laughed at the tour guide's rendition
of "Oh! It'...
Monday 14th May 2012 7:58 pm
10 Day Countdown/Robin Hood Anthology Manchester Launch
So, I have two announcements to make.
One is that today marks the ten day countdown until OpenMind: Face the Music II, and that there are still a few OpenSpace slots available. Can people please message Vocal Strain (https://www.facebook.com/vocal.strain) if interested. I have a partial list so far but I have my end of year assignment due in 2 weeks so I won’t be doing as much promoti...
Friday 11th May 2012 7:00 pm
New blog up an running have a look http://velvetmedia.wordpress.com
Thursday 10th May 2012 8:54 pm
The Well Warrington Junior & Schools Writing Competition
Health, Wealth, Happiness.
Visit www.wellwarringtonnetwork.co.uk/8.html for details or read the instructions below.
The Well Warrington Network helps people with chronic illnesses in Warrington. We do our best to make people feel better with the work that we do. We would ideally like Health, Wealth and Happiness for everyone that we help, which is why we want you to w...
Wednesday 9th May 2012 11:15 pm
REMINDER! CREATIVE WRITING COMPETITION to raise funds for The Well Warrington Network. CLOSING DATE 18th MAY. Get scribbling!
There's just over a week left to get entries into this creative writing competition. All proceeds will help to provide much needed funds for The Well Warrington Network - see the official write up from them below. There will also be a junior competition - details to follow. Stay tuned!
The Well Warrington Network, (a not for profit organisation that helps chronically ill people ...
Monday 7th May 2012 7:17 pm
Polishing a Turd
It was Dave who spotted it first. He’d been
out for a cig break, and there it was, in all
its glory. A bit later on, and it was Ben’s
turn to go out for a smoke. He confirmed
it. After I finished mopping around the
counter, I decided it was my turn to spark
one up, so I put my jacket on, rolled a roll-
up and stepped out. I stood in front of the
shop, pulli...
Saturday 5th May 2012 11:57 pm
Mature Student
He was a hooligan back in the 70s,
a real hard bastard, a member of the
Monte Carlo crew. Middle-age had
softened him, not just physically, but
spiritually as well. He swapped the
terraces for the suburbs, got himself
a wife and fathered three pretty girls.
Now, he works with children who have
learning difficulties, and harbours
‘literary am...
Tuesday 1st May 2012 10:48 am
Friend List
The most difficult part of moving back to
the area where you grew up are
the people you bump into
who you haven’t seen for years.
Mainly, it’s people who attended
school with you, but occasionally
it’s a family member or an ex, and
they’re the ones that stagger you.
After saying a flustered
hello, the first and most obvious
questions are...
Sunday 29th April 2012 12:31 am
Suffering with the thing that drives
fear into the hearts of most people –
‘toilet trouble’ –
I spent a couple of weeks
panicking and avoiding the
Eventually, I swallowed my
pride and made an appointment
with my doctor.
I rarely go to see the doctor. Like a
lot of blokes my age and of similar
Friday 27th April 2012 9:35 pm
I don't write poems
I don’t write poems,
I drink them like wine,
I become tipsy
with each coming line.
I don’t write poems,
I breathe them like air,
I become so happy
when each one I share.
I don’t write poems,
I live with them;
they prolong my years,
they are as true as I am.
I don’t write poems,
I weave into verses
sadness, joy, tea...
Thursday 26th April 2012 7:52 pm
Save £2 on my book - 'Your Sax Is On Fire'
My book - 'Your Sax Is On Fire' is now an incredible £3.99 when you type SAFIRE into the discount code box on
Thursday 26th April 2012 1:14 pm
The Story Behind the Story on Page 7
He charged down Anlaby Road towards
the woman, grabbing the bag from her
arm as he bumped into her.
Unfortunately for him, the combination
of adrenalin, exertion, and whatever shit
he’d been smoking that morning
conspired to make him trip over and
plunge into the pavement. He hit the
ground with a thunk. A bloke with
a tattoo of a pant...
Saturday 21st April 2012 10:51 pm
OpenMind NEW VENUE/OpenMind: Face the Music Update
On Monday 21st May we’ll be celebrating the wide variety of musical talent in Manchester at NEW VENUE Fuel Bar in Withington with OpenMind: Face the Music II a year on from our first ever live music special. We’ve got a fantastic line up planned with amazing live music from the likes of vocalist Tsareeena Wimbush, acoustic and vocals from Tony Ward, poetry and loops from Martin Christie and poe...
Sunday 15th April 2012 5:21 pm
They released an album in 2005, back when
I had just moved into one of the first of many
dives. They’d finally 'arrived' of course; I sat
in on a few rehearsals and got involved in the
bottles of scrumpy cider and some lines we
snorted off the tops of speakers. They’d
just got back from London that week, had been
recording with the guy who engineered
Friday 13th April 2012 11:39 pm
Baked by the afternoon sun,
withered yellow balloons
and ribbons bound to the railings
still jostle for attention along
with the wilting flowers and
blurred-ink cards held in place
by string and sticky-tape.
Still providing something,
even as their meaning becomes
weathered, they reshape
the concrete and steel
body of the bridge into a
Friday 13th April 2012 11:11 am
The Wheelie-bin Murder
He surmised it had been done
by a couple of teenagers
with a lit rag, although it was still
purely conjecture on his part
at this point.
Unfortunately for him, what was
evident was that his blue recycling-
bin had been full, so he had put the rest
of the newspapers and magazines
in the main one.
The flame caught, and the full thing
Thursday 29th March 2012 1:15 am
Most of us find life difficult to avoid, in a way that I find quite curious Choosing the right path to follow at speed, makes some us quite furious The answers aren't easy, but O-U-S might just be a key It ain't the answer to life and everything - say “that's 42!” - I might agree ...
Wednesday 28th March 2012 7:03 pm
The Customer is Always Wrong
I understand.
Believe me,
I understand.
I understand that the product you bought,
or the food that you ordered,
or the service we provided,
or whatever it is you’re returning
that you’re not happy with,
is defective,
or you’ve got one already,
or you’re just not happy,
because what you got
was generally crappy,
Saturday 24th March 2012 11:36 am
Two Suns
We're orbiting our star, the sun, at quite a decent speed We've been doing that for billions of years, scientists are agreed But apparently, many stars we know, have got a twin - they're binary So if our Earth had two suns, not one - how great would that be?! Imagine how m...
Saturday 24th March 2012 8:23 am
Sunshine Madness
The sunshine madness has arrived again at last.
The lads who live out back
are stripping off to the waist and getting off
their face in the yard at the back of the flats.
And they’ve put a wheelie-bin on its side
and are using it as a table, and they’ll chat
and drink
and listen to banging tunes
for as long as they’re able
to stand without f...
Saturday 24th March 2012 12:08 am
The Nihilism Girls
The nihilism girls are out in force tonight,
enjoying the first glimpses of the
warm summer nights. Looking good
in their tight leggings and mid-riff
baring tops, hanging about near the
corner shop, smoking fags and talking
too fast at all the lads as they walk past.
When I was at school it was cool to
drink too, but these girls are skipping
the m...
Monday 19th March 2012 9:11 pm
Nature Poem
the epic rolling green and brown,
the speckled rash of birds in the
distance and the rushing silence.
there is continuity and the
brutality of pure air
offset with the bitter-clean
aroma of fresh manure.
Trees are secured in fertile
soil, amid furtive teeming
multitudes of life that toil invisibly
Monday 19th March 2012 11:27 am
Inspiration Part 2
I still use buses occasionally,
but thankfully I’ve got over the whole
‘trying to write about it’
I’m not making a statement as such;
If anything,
it’s almost an acceptance of defeat.
Nearly 35,
and I still can’t fucking drive.
I used to say things like:
I get a lot of inspiration from bus journeys –
seeing all the diff...
Thursday 15th March 2012 11:15 am
Vertigo # 2
Vertigo #2
With each panic attack,
I disassemble,
I break apart,
like glass slivers,
I am falling all around
There is a crowded bus ride ahead,
an elevator door closing behind,
5 o’clock traffic and all it’s stillness
The train with it’s voice letting me know that once again,
“the doors are now closing”
I find you there, ...
Wednesday 14th March 2012 9:57 pm
The creation of art is the
placing of significance onto
place, a person or a moment in time.
Having a fleeting subjective
empirical experience
and trying to crystalise it,
trying to grant it immortality –
that’s what artists try to do,
he says,
and I suppose he’s right,
in a way.
But everybody does that,
not just artists.
I do i...
Wednesday 14th March 2012 6:12 pm
Vertigo #1
Wednesday 14th March 2012 6:11 pm
Union-Jack Ashtray
12 years he’d been there, and now he was moving on.
“End of era and all that shite,” he said as I filled a bin-liner
with some of the junk that inevitably accumulates after
spending more than a decade living in one place. I could tell
apprehension was creeping in a little; not so much the
moving out part as the moving in with someone else. It
wasn’t emo...
Sunday 11th March 2012 4:41 pm
Year of the Horse
The rag and bone man was a significant part of
my childhood experience. Every Wednesday I would
hear the familiar clip-clopping of hooves and the cry of
“rag n’ bone” mangled into a two-syllable yelp. He was
genuinely useful, mum would say. He got rid of fridges
and washing-machines far more efficiently than the council.
After not seeing or hearing a ra...
Friday 9th March 2012 11:47 am
These Days
These days my body is filling up with light,
I can’t even help it
It’s happening without trying
There seems no room for darkness
My feet are extending
white roots
are growing ever
like a pair of tubers in rich soil
The universe is funneling itself through me
There is black hole forming ab...
Thursday 8th March 2012 10:58 pm
Postcard Perfect
Post Card Perfect
It was New Years Eve
when you dipped me.
You leaned in for a kiss.
I should have known then that eventually you'd drop me.
the snow fell all around
a sailor and a nurse.
After the war had ended,
she stopped bandaging his wounds,
he bellied up to a bar
the photographed just faded away.
Wednesday 7th March 2012 8:50 am
Recent Comments
Holden Moncrieff on Ultimatum.
3 hours ago
Binte Afroz on Silent Call
4 hours ago
David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
7 hours ago
Ray Miller on Ultimatum.
7 hours ago
7 hours ago
Ray Miller on A lull in the fighting
8 hours ago
David RL Moore on Gift
9 hours ago
11 hours ago
11 hours ago
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