The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Note: No profile exists for this entry - most likely it was deleted.

REMINDER! CREATIVE WRITING COMPETITION to raise funds for The Well Warrington Network. CLOSING DATE 18th MAY. Get scribbling!


There's just over a week left to get entries into this creative writing competition. All proceeds will help to provide much needed funds for The Well Warrington Network - see the official write up from them below. There will also be a junior competition - details to follow. Stay tuned!


The Well Warrington Network, (a not for profit organisation that helps chronically ill people in Warrington) is running a Creative Writing Competition to raise funds for the organisation. The competition is being judged by Helên Thomas, prize winning performance poet. Writers are asked to pen up to 1,000 word short stories and up to 32 lines of poetry on the theme of Health, Wealth and Happiness for the entry fee of £3.


The prizes are:1st prize £60

2nd prize £30

3rd prize £20


The closing date is 18th May 2012 and entry forms and rules can be downloaded from

poetry competitionscreative writingpoetrystorieswritingWarrington

◄ Link to Poetry Kit 'Caught In The Net' # 97

The Well Warrington Junior & Schools Writing Competition ►


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