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workplace (Remove filter)

The Sun coming through a murky window

The sun coming through a murky window
might not seem like perfection to you …
it may be run of the mill

but to me it spells
no more returning to the cruelty of work
which soaked my skin with anxiety
no more dripping at the bus stop
and waiting …
to be sentenced to death
for not completing this or that form

The sun coming through a murky window
Is a blessing I never saw before
My ey...

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workplaceModern Living

Office Politics

The corporate king -                    

Salacious surveyor -                                       

Mild-mannered Majesty              

With a wandering eye;                         

A habitual connoisseur               

Of the supple and softly curved.                            




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The Office Waits ...

The Office Waits

The office waits after
A quiet night,
Lulled to sleep by
The hum of the air con
And the tinnitus of the transformers.

The stillness and silence
Of the morning is broken
By the ping of the lifts
And their electronic voices;
By the clattering of keyboards and
The muttering of memory failures:
Another forgotten password.

Then the photocopier yawns -
Its plastic bo...

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'I want this place run like a brothel,'
Said our boss at his baffling, buzzwordy worst.
'I want this place run like a brothel -
Make sure that the customer always comes first.'

So we ran the place just like a brothel,
With schedules and staffing all carefully drafted;
We ran the place just like a brothel,
And just like a brothel we all got shafted......

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