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Tell the boss how you really fucking feel

His job totally fuckin sucks and he does as a boss

Blame him for you having no sales!

As he’s in charge and talks to the client

Who sends over new leads you call

Give me some good leads and you’ll get sales

Simple as that give me old shit leads

What do you expect me to get nothing?

Why I feel frustrated and pissed off!


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viewsvexed agentmanagement


'I want this place run like a brothel,'
Said our boss at his baffling, buzzwordy worst.
'I want this place run like a brothel -
Make sure that the customer always comes first.'

So we ran the place just like a brothel,
With schedules and staffing all carefully drafted;
We ran the place just like a brothel,
And just like a brothel we all got shafted......

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