survivors (Remove filter)
Resilient Soul
The past is haunting:
heartbreaking memories,
unbearable loss,
scars, seeping wounds.
The present is daunting:
deadly viruses, illness, disease,
affecting everything - livelihood,
relationships, life.
The future is uncertain:
climate change,
conspiracy theories,
political upheaval,
civil unrest.
We ask why:
amid confusion,
gleaning truth from ...
Sunday 27th December 2020 7:38 pm
dare you to tell me you don't get it (07/05/2020)
crystalline echos
of webs run jagged
collapsing against the face
of what history wrought.
winds stripping flesh:
the immolate cries
at a thousand stakes
freed from the old mortar
churned under one hundred years
by the twisting abuse of saints.
you'll know me
by the raw and torn:
by the salted splines
of feathers shorn
bristling under embers
and by ire
you'll know m...
Sunday 5th July 2020 3:01 pm
splintered saints
laced with dentene words
all pearly white
Like the gates made
of the bones of slain fae
in the conquest nobody talks about
in bibles, beloved
but really they're just pocket protectors:
drivers of us snake-folk,
catchers of miraculous stray bullets,
and the low fruit of cherries picked
held up on high--
higher even than the lichens
that broke the sacred rocks
Thursday 25th June 2020 3:56 am
Conspiracy Imagined...close to heart,it remembers.
Its 5:30 in the morning after locking up I'm trying to get back to sleep,then I start to think. I wonder if there's such a thing as conspiracies in real life.I don't mean like huge political conspiracies or celebrity deaths etc , I'm talking about elaborate lies ordinary people tell,normal families And the extreme measures they go to ,in order to cover it up. Ok so we have heard about finding o...
Saturday 12th August 2017 3:42 pm
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