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When Will You Stop?

When you crept in me the first time 
Taking my innocence away
Did you hear me begging and pleading for you to STOP...
When you felt that you had enough of me the fifth time when you spat on Me... laughed and walked away... 
Did that make you feel better...
Or when you held me down by a knife threatening you would kill me if I Told a single soul...
When you see the tears flowing down my face....

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RapetraumahateTearsstop it

based on a paper article on teenagers doing stupid things. you cross words out leaving you with a random line poem...

based on a paper article in the sun feb6 2014 on teenagers doing stupid things. you cross words out leaving you with a random line poem...

Internet craze sick new yobs filmed gutting.
Eating their livers video nasty, protests animal lovers.
There were warnings,
revellers 'neck' booze,
perform stunt challenge to beat it.
Two died more doing worldwide craze.
Latest film grabbing a tr...

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neknonominate crzestupid actsfilm ityoung peoplestop itrandom line poem

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