The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

HardWork (Remove filter)

Never Say Never!!!

Life, a magnificent ride,
Buckle yourself,
And never ask, "Why?",
Paths you'll stumble upon,
The dreams that'll crumble,
Those dark days,
Compelling you astray,
Yet, deep in your heart,
Raging emotions ignite a spark,
Heartbreak, sadness, fear, pain,
Hesitancy to try again?
Wipe those tears, 
Clear your mind,
Calm your heart,
Ready to fight?
Gather in some air,
And then let out,

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Turned into teen,

Got self-esteem,

I went out to work,

to earn my pork.


Money made my soul,

like a child smiling,

nothing seemed foul,

as I spent my earning.


Days passed swift,

I wasn't much a thrift,

hence no food in fork.

Now I knew I was broke.


Life teaches you a lesson,

but your perfidy unto it,

makes it a transgression.

You do repent...

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Working Man By: My Best Friend Waylon <3

He works hard all day

For the bills he has to pay

He gets home and sits down

Then hears the bill collector is in town

As he gets up to go back to his job

He starts to softly sob

For if he doesn’t work in the heat

His family doesn’t get to eat

He works until he is so sore

He can’t move at all anymore

As he sees his family one last time

He says “ya’ll will be fine”


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