nature. (Remove filter)
Twisted Roots
Alone stands modern man, product of products for
Hair, skin, white-teeth, tan; ethos came shop bought and canned.
Artificed for ease of use synthetic fibres force away
Weather’s organic abuse, like a magnet repellent to life.
Even here, in this place where the pace of life slows into seasons,
Time and space to replace c...
Thursday 5th November 2020 10:45 pm
Moonlit Garden
What hides amid the darkness,
absent of the sunlight,
In the dimly moonlit garden,
deep into the night.
Yesterday's glimpse of a weasel
hiding in my well,
led me to wonder, a curiosity
I need to quell.
I may set up a night cam,
to snap jumping frogs
and capture the visitations
from prickly hedgehogs.
Hopeful there would be a fox,
two cubs by he...
Wednesday 10th June 2020 2:06 pm
The evening sun scorches the shade.
The trees, in their glade, are forced to choose;
Stand tall and brave - or turn to crave
the cool safety of the dusk.
Like soldiers from another age, they are proud and tall,
Defenders of nature with their all.
Their bark tells the story, of seasons full of change.
Frost. Ice. Mud. Heat. Few, then a lot... of peoples feet.
Sunday 20th October 2019 9:57 pm
The Eagle (To Be Read Aloud with Vigor)
Fastly, swiftly, we run our race
The fire burns as we keep up the pace
Fly across the sky at night
An eagle flying in the red twilight
Then slow ---
Slow we flow
Slow like water
Slow like snow
How'd you know what your life's about
Up and down and in and out
Never stop and never go
The river's rest is slow to come
The eagle's nest is hidden from
The eagle's si...
Friday 22nd February 2019 5:25 am
Earth and Sky
So many shades of green
Lime, fern, shamrock, juniper and parakeet
Some bask in the island sun
While others sway in the cool shade of lazy clouds
They all climb
So many shades of green
They all climb
But they never reach the wide blue
And the blue can never desecnd
What is there to do?
Let it rain, let it rain
The sky goddess shed tears for the earth god
Wednesday 18th January 2017 5:38 pm
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