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The Cliff: A Tall Tale

Don't look down
They say
Starve yourself
Of the unknown

For nobody knows
What's below

I shield my eyes from the cliff
Proclaiming my distrust of the ledge

I sway as the wind
Horrifying nothings in my ear

I dare not peak
Lest the bottom I seek

Tensing, I coerce the rock
To become one
With my feet

If earth hears my plea
Safety is guaranteed

I find
To my dism...

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Swirling thoughts

causing chaos in my head

Leaving destruction in its path

Debris consisting of my past 

Left scattered

Left broken


My head filled with TV-like static

Never staying on one show

Never giving me the time 

To appreciate the little things 

The plots

The characters



Somehow something calmed the storm


Even if it's for a bri...

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