The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

fraud (Remove filter)

Mr Fraudy

Mr Fraudy

They talk about bringing back the corrupt boss

The camp is divided down the middle

Some for the boss the arse lickers

Some not for the boss the honest ones

A right storm is brewing!


The mango tree and cig area

Plus toilets and canteen buzzed

The old fraudy manager will return

If he does then I will go to war


Start off with a Messenger GC

So all...

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fraudcrooked managercall centre

bad tl

bad tl

a certain team leader/was obsessed with cash/bumping up his metric/any which was he could/legal or borderline illegal/the tales of his was known/he did it in six centres/greed and metric manipulation/not a good example of a good sup/when you meet this snake/watch him closely/he has no conscience/is good at his job/manipulating people and the system/see the car he drives/wears different t...

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fake salesmetrics manipulationfraud

Aching Beauty

Crazy young one 

 your time is soon to come. 

Keep shoving those rails up your pretty perfect snout. 

You think your a king, 

from the head you boast about. 

Your smile woo’s the weak,

followers who prey. 

Leaders shy away from you, 

your a black sheep, eating dry hay. 


Women worship you for your charm, 

men beg you for your promise, 

You smell of sadness and ...

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Complicatedbeautybloody depressingpeople pleasingshamfraud

The Jesus Gene

The Jesus Gene


In a Papal palace

a piece no bigger than a postage stamp

is missing

from the pranksters shroud.


Christopher waits on tables

at the local Pizza Hut

and changes water for wine

upon request.

His mother is a virgin,

in all but hymen,

and keeps a photo of a pipette

upon the mantelpiece.

She tells Christopher

it was an...

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turin shroudleonardo da vincigenetic engineeringchristfrauddesigner baby

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