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Silly Rabbit


One hot summer night beneath a rabbit-eared moon,
they walked hand in hand.  
They were engaged in candid thoughts,
dreams and visions of life adjusted
to the highest good of each.

They sat on a River Run park bench
head to head, attuned to the speechless earth-songs
harmonizing in balance.
Can anything be better than this?
You seek me as I am unknown to even myself.
I have seen m...

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Events and Time


Events and Time 
I guess my feelings don’t really matter, that I don’t need anyone by my side when I’m down or upset or depressed. Don’t you know I’m just like anyone else? Though I’m different I’m just the same inside don’t you see? Do you know how hard it is to live alone and not have anyone to care for you? And when I meet someone who I thought was special, to let her in and trus...

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