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daddy (Remove filter)

PLOT 2 (the allotment)

Down at the bottom of the allotment 

Just in front of the tall trees

Is a magical little world 

Of butterflies flowers and bees

A green house a shed a Japanese arch

Vegetables nurtured and seeds sown in march

Broad beans and beetroot and straw-berries too

Recycled decor some old and some new

Life size scarecrow hand made fish pond

Hand crafted bird bath creative and  bey...

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Allotmentsallotments poemVegetablesdaddyPlot2

ain't ain't a word


ain’t ain’t a word


boy told daddy

teacher said

there ain’t no such word

as ain’t


daddy just

looked at him

told him to

tell the teacher

the word was used

by this family

a long time before

the teacher was born and

will be used long after

she has gone.


             boy thought to himself

 I ain’t going to tell her


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