The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

blacklivesmatter (Remove filter)

The Diary Of The Coloured

Another innocent black soul taken,

Hunted and slaughtered like a pig for bacon.

Many are still skeptical: “why black lives matter?

As if racial profiling isn’t more frequent for those blacker. 

Unarmed and running when he met his fate,

Denied the chance of the potential to be great. 


A mother now without her son because he was ripped from this world,

Ruminating on the goo...

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Ghost Outfit

Black boy, black caskets, black funeral, black after party, Black trap, Black throwback R&B, Black Hip-hop, black hopscotch, Black side walk, white chalk outline, Black media outlets, world star hip hop, the shade room black entertainment television, black twitter, black iphone, black emojis, black fist means power to the black people we learned that from the black panther party in 1966.



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I stare fixated at the screen. 

In shock, and in awe. 

The disbelief of what I’m seeing deserving of more but all i can get out is “oohs” and “awes”. 

I’m wishing, this pen and this paper can act as gauze - and heal a broken system, but then i realized ... 

unless Christ comes back today;

nobody’s coming to save us. 


Tonight i realized that, to them, it’s our skin that is da...

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I can't breathe

Yet the rope still tightens

I can't breathe

Yet a malice still looms

Like the gallows which threaten

My life, death laughs in my face

Says my name


Breonna, Eric, Michael, George,

Names forgotten or ignored

I will not equivocate, nor excuse

The life and liberty they have taken from you


Till the day comes

Where justice does not discrimina...

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No Questions Asked!

I wanted everything be over but things just got messier as I moved forward.
The world as I knew it has became more torn.
 Our lives will never be the same because at this point we fighting just to live in peace.
 You know everything is not so sweet.
Another thing is I just want my people to be free.
Free of all act of uncertainties.
It's crazy how one thing lead to another Covivd now roits a...

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