The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Nurse (Remove filter)

The Weeping Angel [song version]

The Weeping Angel


She passed this way and tended to our pain,

administered our wounds and eased our fears

telling us that we would be home again.

stayed by our beds and whispered in our ears,


She was gentle, but never weak or frail,

Remember Nellie Spindler from Wakefield

the only woman killed at Passchendaele

An angel weeps for her in Flanders Field



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nellie spindlerwakefieldnurseWW1passchendaeleremembrance


I've got entangled in pure mystery

never endured a coquette so lewd,

her words twinkle like spangles but

despite all the glitter she's shrewd


I've come across some fast workers

in moments she had me unzipped

I'm far from a slouch at glib patter

in her sea-soiled face rests a crypt


its like being a drunken fire-eater

on a water-bed playing with fire

I've grow...

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Sealed Units

next door they've got new windows

all triple-glazed for noise and heat

hermetically sealed against society

frost and storms designed to beat


yet other enemies will get through

invisible demons with wings of fire

on those panes reflections of one

mountainous molten funeral pyre


coming round but I'll never be right

lungs crackling like broken glass

legs potent...

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can't breathe and his kidneys have had it

he's a dead duck if the machinery ceases

I could do anything I wanted with the guy

as a girl I used to pull my dolls to pieces


he gets no visitors so what is the point?

zero enquiries or flowers, no one cares

scant thanks when I change his nappies

all I ever get is moans and blank stares


does he have a clue how much this c...

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syringematronnursehospitalcomatoseFlorence Nightingale

Travel Sickness

I sat all day in the corner

awaiting a call on the 'phone

but when it came through

the voice that I knew

was nowhere at all in the room


The nurse that called me much later

knew where I was travelling to

but she never heard

the call of the bird

that flew in my traveller's dream


The doctor gave me some drugs

to keep the malaria down

but the pills that I ...

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Just a Nurse

A daughter, a mother and a nurse, sleepwalks to work
On four hours’ sleep, as the moon peeps above the clouds.
The sun snuggles under the covers.
The familiar uniform bares her arms against the breath of December.
Clinical blue shrouds her worries of money troubles
And ailing family members
She wears a compassionate smile.
There are blisters on the soles of her feet,
From chasing the lost ...

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All Butt All

All Butt All


Barely bothered as he lay down his weary head
Life was so much hassle, he just wished he could be dead

The medics kept his ticker beating as it should
But at what quality of living, he felt none understood

It's a dog's life he thought with such irony
If I had but been a dog, wouldn't they end this misery

Brighter days were now few and so far between
His memories s...

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