The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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"Someday you have to show me
Your beautiful place"
There is no "someday" anymore,
I wish I could tell you
That this is just a crisis,
A temporary closing.
I wish I could reassure you
About our freedom,
The written words
Would, still be valid,
Named by the city you love in.
Now they all forget
How precious they are,
Behave more like in the pre war,
Greeting Weimar,
100 years ...

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Never againnever forgethistory repeatingclosed bordersfreedom of movementpromisesdemocracy misusedEurope

Nunquam Iterum!

Nunquam Iterum!


Dear Wilfred

Thank you for your honesty

Without your vivid colours

These experiences would be shadows

Colourless and somehow unreal

But now we see sickly colours of the gas

We feel the helpless panic of the scurry

We touch the comrade writhing in the deadly sea


Your stressed heartbeat

The hopelessness of loss

Despair at the trudge

The d...

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day 28dulce et decorum estNaPoWriMo 2019never againpoetry about poetrywilfred owenmeta-poetrymetal

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