Los Angeles (Remove filter)
This stick named Outrage
Is what stirs the masses
Rousing them in anger
Rail against injustices
Wolves in Yellowstones
Gangs in L.A.
Genocide in Africa
Trouble in Latvia, or
Slums in Mumbai.
And while anger is better than fear
This focus remains on the problems
And so the problems remain.
How then to drop that stick,
And let our focus be guided
To solutions?
To set our sails instead
Saturday 31st December 2016 7:51 am
Mt. Washington Cave People
We didn't have enough money to live in a cave at the top of the hill. Up high where the waves didn't crash. Where the exhaust foam didn't break upon the sidewalk shore. Where the sand-crab-ass bottle and can hoarders were too tired and hungry to climb for the bounty of a holiday party or a tuesday night's unwarranted yet ever welcomed celebration of our ability to purchase even count boxes of beer...
Friday 6th March 2015 10:24 am
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