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Dying Planet (Remove filter)

A Worlds End

Hello guys, I have a poem here that I have entered. It makes reference to space and distant galaxies and such, so I have included the latest track I have produced to go alongside it. It doesn't have any vocals to the track and is only there to add to the experience of the piece. I hope you like both the track and the poem.


A Worlds End


     I sit here, my quest stone - broke

My ...

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Dying PlanetSpaceloneliness



And the world keeps rocking to the sound of the void
Spinning through time, a pirouette we can't avoid
And what have you done today
Did the fool on his errand slip by
Did you have much to say
As his time in your life seemed to fly

And the world keeps spinning into uncertain futures
The wounds in it's crust needing serious sutures
And what have you done today
Was th...

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