The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Criticism (Remove filter)

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They'll Find Fault Anyway!

In a world where you can't escape judgment, this limerick tries to dive deep into the absurdity of trying to please everyone. Even if you perform the impossible—like walking on water—someone will still find fault, questioning your intelligence and abilities. With a touch of irony, this piece wants to highlight  the endless nature of criticism and the futility of seeking universal approval. It’s th...

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grouserscriticismironylife and lessonshumourlimericksatireselfdoubtwalking on the water


The Criticisms

Crash down on me like Thunder

So tired of the Storms

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They come from far

Blind, I grown blind.

No color, no light.


Pain, I felt pain.

No matter, no gain.


Looking through the mirror glass,

things happen afar.

Taking notion of them,

as they were part.


There's no true,

there's no lie,

everything stays shy.


Scream, scream for those who can't.


Deaf, I am deaf.

No sound, no play.


Help, they need help.


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Social ObservationspoemcriticismlifeConcernpeople and actions

The Garden

The Garden


The violets speak softly to me,

They whisper to remember who came before,


The tiger-lilies interrogate me,

They say that spring pastures are no more,


The violet flowers inspire me to see my powers pure,

With the gifts that Venus pours my beauty will adorn,


The tiger-lilies scratch and chase me,

They say my will is cracked and torn,



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Splendid Is The Flower

Splendid Is The Flower


if I make something beautiful

will you gently touch it

with your perspective

or will you taint it

with a vengeful critics tongue


am I qualified

to judge you

either way


if I make something beautiful

will you take the time

to kiss it with your praise

or will you rip it to shreds

with your own experience


are you qual...

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volatile flickering glim--

exposed and expiring

within trenchant

tangling convolutions



fragile faithless prayers--

wrestled and relented

from incoherent

idling dissolutions



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My Poetry













In writing poetry

I am a hack.

But I enjoy

writing so give

me some slack.


With the

comments don't

be mean, or

overly critical.


Please be


and please

be political.



This poem was not written

about anyone on

This is jus...

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