The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

Splendid Is The Flower

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Splendid Is The Flower


if I make something beautiful

will you gently touch it

with your perspective

or will you taint it

with a vengeful critics tongue


am I qualified

to judge you

either way


if I make something beautiful

will you take the time

to kiss it with your praise

or will you rip it to shreds

with your own experience


are you qualified

to judge me

either way


the blinking cursor

hesitates on the next line

and wonders if it’s worth

going on


what follows

is born of doubt


if I make something beautiful

is it for you or me

is it my penance

or your crusade


do the words deserve to live

or should I stifle them

for fear of ridicule

revilement or rejection


so many questions


I admit

I don’t know



fellow weaver of words

I weep for the fact

that neither do you



◄ Head In Hands

A Pointy Reckoning ►


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Sat 7th May 2016 20:25

Maybe we all suffer frustration starting with school when our young minds felt nowhere to dwell in the adult sphere, and that curse is carried on into adult life - which again is full of curses and pettiness . I understand fully the sentiment , it is wonderfully clear.


Lynn Hamilton

Sat 7th May 2016 05:39

Hi Ian

Really enjoyed reading your words.

Lynn x


Sat 7th May 2016 01:06

Well-spoken, Ian..

It can be difficult to bare one's inner thoughts. Our most common interactions with others can be so mundane because truth is more than superficial. And, sometimes, our truths become fodder for the common when they are spoken.

Thank you for this, Ian.


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