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soldiers in war (Remove filter)

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Far Away

Is the high worth the pain?

Or for the sunshine is the rain?

Stuck between this world and yours,

Both of my feet in different doors.

Quiet and desolate desert night,

My soul thirsts for your love's light

Restless and weary as I lay, Far away, Far away.

The whistling wind and blowing breeze,

The moon, it sets my mind at ease

The sun radiates through my soul,

Warming wh...

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poetrysoldierwardeploymentsoldiers in warsoldiers


my mother sez im mad, for seeing whats in this poem. i wish all of the wars would stop. simple...
Meal Time
An army squad walked down the road. It could have been any road with any army in any war. The men quietly grumbled about sore feet, about the light rain and grey sky, about missing a meal. Above all they complained about missing home and their sweethearts. But a grumbling so...

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soldiers in warartillerydeathwild dogssweatheart

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