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doomsday clock (Remove filter)




Grey clouds roll in

The Sun sets in

Long ago was the summer of smiles

Now dark brooding anguish riles


Only the forgotten battlefields remember

The light green and the fond Heather

While with winds kiss

The clock winds and begins to hiss


The ticking is louder than ever now

As we wind our lives further down

While far away the threat is real


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doomsday clockdeathwarclocks

Thirteen Minutes From Home

Thirteen Minutes From Home


I was thirteen minutes from home

On a warm April day

Bumping my way through a crowd

The future a lifetime away

There were cars revving their engines

As they crawled along the street

kids were playing in gardens

And getting under everyone’s feet


Just for a second I paused

As I turned into Pandemic Close

As the noise fell away lik...

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napowrimo2020day25doomsday clockcovid 19visionutopiarealitytwo minutes to midnight

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